When Europeans wanted a piece of Africa
(_____ for Africa)
What were the 3 causes of the American Revolution?
Taxation without representation, No equal rights and mistreatment.
when did the industrial revolution start
late 1700s
How did people get around in the 1800's
By foot,horseback,horse-drawn vehicles, boat, and rail road.
Opium war was fought between who?
China and Great Britain
Who rose to power during the French Revolution and later became ruler of France?
When did the Industrial revolution end?
What was the population of Americans in the 1800's
9 Million
What king terrorized the Congolese people and made them slave labor.
King Leopold II
What was the Haitian Revolution?
It was a bloody but successful uprising of enslaved people against their French colonial enslavers.
Where did the industrial revolution start.
Great Britain
The definition of Kulturkampf
Conflict between civil government and religious authorities especially over control of education and church appointments.
How many slaves were in America by 1860
4 million slaves were in America by 1860.
What British Company was in control of India.
The East India Company
Who was the leader of the only successful slave revolt which was known as the Haitian Revolution?
Toussaint L'Ouverture
what is one important invention?
The spinning Jenny, mechanical reaper, telephone.
Bismarck's meaning of "Blood and Iron"
Bismark uses blood and iron to describe using military force and power to get the unification of Germany
What did people use to preserve food in the 1800's
When did the Opium war last
Who was second in command during the Haitian Revolution that later became general who lead the insurgents in declaring Haitian independence?
Jean-Jacques Dessalines
Negative effects of the Industrial Revolution.
An important figure that helped Cavour unite Italy in the North
Victor Emmanuel II
What was the most used product in the 1800's
The cotton cloth