
What was the joke that Delaney made while waiting behind the police barrier at the top of Topanga Canyon?

"I guess this means we can forget the turkey," Delaney said. "It'll be like jerky by now."(284)


Kyra was on the verge of hysteria because...

they had to leave the cat behind in the house. (293).

What was América's reaction to the fire?

She didn't register the fire at first because she was so intent on driving the sharp green stake of oak through the frozen carcass of the bird, so fixated on the image of crackling brown skin and rice with drippings, so happy to be alive again. (274). 


Did Cándido think América and him were going to survive the fire? Why?

No he didn't think they were going to survive because the trial was engulfed with flames and the only way out was up a sheer rock wall. (274). 


Where did Delaney and his family stay the night of the fire?

the Holiday Inn in Woodland Hills. (291).


Who did Delaney spot coming up the road out of the darkness?

The two men from the lower canyon that were camping. Delaney had once ran into them on his hike. (287). 


What happened to Kyra's listings in Malibu?

They burned in a fire-only thing left was smoldering ash and metal twisted up out of the ground where the plumbing used to be. (285).


What is the name and gender of their baby?

Girl and her name is Socorro (298).


What was Cándido afraid other than the fire?

Cándido was afraid of the police and fireman because he thought they were going to arrested him and América if spotted. (278-279).


What was Jordan wearing?

Jordan was wearing grassed-stained shorts, T-shirt and dodgers cap. (291).


What did Delaney do after the tall man was arrested?

Delaney stared back at the tall man being arrested and the tall man proceeded to spit on Delaney. Which lead to Delaney attacking the tall man. (289).


Why did Kyra want to turn on the news when they got home?

She was concerned because Sally Lieberman told her that the Da Ros place was gone-burnt done in the fire. (293).


Where did América want to go after giving birth to her baby? And why?

América wanted to go back home to her mother because she wanted to show her mother the baby and she could no longer live like this. (303).


What would Cándido rather have to do than deliver the baby out in the desert during the night?

He would rather be attacked by all the snakes in the world. (280).


How many feet away did Cándido go from América when she was in labor?

He went a hundred and ninety five feet away. (280).


What was the name of Delaney's first wife?

Louise (290)


What channel did Kyra ask Delaney to turn on?

Channel 7 (293).

What did América think the cat was?

Her saint-her midwife. (283)


How did Cándido get out of the backyards of the Arroyo Blanco neighborhood?

By using Delaney's stepladder. (306)


What was América's chin stained with?

Her chin was stained with the juice from the fruit. (307).


Delaney thinks Kyra always makes him out to be the...

Scapegoat-throwing everything onto his shoulders. (285)

What's the name of Kyra's cat?

Dame Edith (291).


Who did América compare herself to at the beginning of chapter 2?

Señora Ordóñez (273).


List the things Cándido said América needs.

América is nursing and needs meat, milk, eggs, and cheese. (307).


What did Delaney pack in the 10 minutes he had to evacuate his house?

His word processor and discs. (285).