Influence Techniques
Chapter One Pgs. 28-41
Chapter One Pgs. 28-41
Classroom Rules
Name two of the Influence Techniques.
Behavior Reciprocation, Commitment/Consistency, Social Proof, Liking, Authority, or Scarcity Page 34-39
True or False: It is effective and an easy proactive strategy to simply move around the classroom, rather than sitting at your desk.
True. Simply walking around is a great way to subtly reinforce good behavior, encourage students, and provide assistance. Page 34
Scarcity means that we value things that are scarce, available for only a short period of time, or available to only a few people. Does this work for the Tough Kid? Why or Why Not?
Yes, they do want to earn rewards if they are motivating enough. Scarce rewards are motivating. Mystery Motivators, Reinforcement Spinners, and Level Systems use scarcity as the motivator. Page 39
True or False: Classroom rules should be a democratic decision by student vote.
False. Teachers should create rules so they aren't overly punitive, too many, nonspecific and b/c Tough Kids feel they don't have to follow rules created by other peers, teacher's need rules to allow them to teach, and no evidence that student created rules produce better outcomes. Page 30
How many credits is this class worth?
True or False: Is a classroom schedule an Influence Technique?
False: It is a proactive intervention strategy. Page 29.
Name two Proactive Strategies learn during the Prezi today.
Classroom rules, Classroom schedule, Structuring Space, Get Up & Move, Influence Techniques Page 39
Commitment and Consistency is an important part of being a good teacher. Can Tough Kids be influenced to commit to positive behaviors and consistently exhibit them? Why or Why Not?
Yes. When people make a formal commitment (such as a behavior contract) they are more likely to follow through with the commitment. Page 36
What would be an example of an inappropriate classroom rule?
Be responsible, respectful, safe. See page 31.
Who teaches our class on October 28th?
True or False: Social Proof is when we do something that we see or hear others doing.
True. Peers often reward each other for misbehaviors. Group contingencies are when an entire group is rewarded for appropriate behavior by all individuals. Reinforced appropriate behavior for the group becomes the classroom social proof norm. Page 36.
True or False: Is it best to put a Tough Kid near the periphery of the classroom to keep him from disrupting others.
False. Keep a Tough Kid close to reinforce them easily, quickly and frequently. They can also easily help with classroom tasks. Do not put them near another Tough Kid. Page 33 Structuring Classroom Space
Is it better to use a "Good Cop" approach using humor, positive comments, compliments, and expressing concern about the situation or use a "Bad Cop" approach by using negative statements, creating fear, and harsh techniques when working with a Tough Kid?
The "Good Cop" approach works b/c people are more likely to say 'yes' to someone they know and like. People trust and consequently are influenced by those they like. Liking is an Influence Technique. Page 37.
Developing good proactive classroom rules requires rules to be specific, observable, and measurable. Why?
Too ambiguous-they are difficult to understand. Tough Kids take advantage of nonspecific loopholes. Observe-so a teacher can make an unequivocal decision about whether the rule has been followed. Measure-must be able to count or quantify for monitoring purposes. Page 30
Which team won Victoria's game the week she covered the last chapters of the CHAMPS book?
What is the principal of Behavior Reciprocation?
When you receive something positive from another person, you automatically feel obligated to give them something positive back in return and in the same form as what you received. Page 35
The classroom schedule should include what percentage of academics?
70% Page 32
By saying to a student "You really help me when you follow through." or "I really appreciate your following my directions-it makes things easy" is a why to influence by what technique?
Behavior Reciprocation. Typically Tough Kids only receive positive praise for following directions 15% of the time. Page 35
"Keep your hands and your feet to yourself' is an example of a good classroom rule. It should be used instead of what?
Be safe. Page 32
What do you think would be the easiest Proactive Intervention to put in place into your classroom this week?
BONUS points! Rules, Schedule, Structure, Move, or Influence Techniques