CA Water
Glossary of Water Terms
WELL Programs
WELL Tenants

A California law intended to prevent too much water from being pumped out of underground water reserves.  

What is SGMA?


The percentage of the population in California that is Latino.

What is 40%?


The water that rests on top of the earth in streams, lakes, rivers, oceans, and reservoirs.

What is surface water?


A selective, six-month program for local elected Latino leaders that helps participants make an impact on California water policy while addressing individual community water challenges.

What is the WELL UnTapped Fellowship Program?


The individual that inspired Victor Griego to found WELL?

Who is Liliana Griego (his daughter)?


This department is responsible for managing the SGMA program.

What is the State Water Resources Control Board?

The name of the water conveyance system that delivers water from the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta to Central Valley, and Southern CA regions.

What is the State Water Project?


The amount of water required to cover an acre of land (an area that is about the size of a football field), one foot deep.

What is acre foot?


UnTapped Fellowship graduates (WELLo’s) are inducted into this network, where they can continue to engage in training opportunities focused on California water policy.

What is WELL UnTapped Network?


The difference between a WELLo and a Fellow.

What is a Graduate of the WELL UnTapped Fellowship Program (WELLo) and a current Fellow in the WELL UnTapped Fellowship Program (Fellow)?


This contaminant, commonly found in fertilizers and known for causing serious health issues in infants (known as blue baby syndrome), has an MCL of 10 mg/L.

What is nitrate?


The legal right which assures an owner of land adjacent to a creek or natural body of water the reasonable use of that water.

What are riparian rights?


The largest usage of water in households.

What is outdoor water usage?


These events are spearheaded by graduates of the UnTapped Fellowship Program (WELLos) in conjunction with California State Senators or Assemblymembers to educate local elected leaders.

What is WELL UnTapped Legislative Water Workshops?


Four reasons why we work with local elected officials (name 1).

1. Small cities, schools, and water districts lack staff expertise to tackle residents' water challenges. 2. Local elected officials are closest to their constituents.  3. They are advocating for local resources. 4. Many Assembly and State Senate members are former local elected officials, so WELL believes they will carry their knowledge into these roles. 


Specific areas where groundwater levels are extremely low due to overpumping year after year, resulting in sinking land, loss of underground storage, saltwater seeping into the aquifer, and more. 

What are critically overdrafted basins?


This landmark 1969 California law established the framework for regulating water quality and is administered by the State Water Resources Control Board.

What is the Porter-Cologne Water Quality Control Act?


The relatively flat area adjoining a river or lake that may be covered with water during a flood.

What is Floodplain?


As part of a four-agency core team, WELL received this grant to create a program to train and place 70 women, people of color, and Latinos in the water and utility sector and train 100 incumbent workers for upward mobility.

What is HRTP Grant/CA Water, Wastewater, & Energy Workforce Development?


The number of graduates from the WELL UnTapped Fellowship Program (Best guess).

What is 84?


Permanently stopping farming in dry areas where there is not enough water from rivers, reservoirs, or underground aquifers to irrigate the trees or crops on an ongoing basis. 

What is land retirement?


Name two of the Nine Hydrological Regions in California.

What is the North Coast; San Francisco; Central Coast; South Coast; Sacramento River; San Joaquin River; Tulare Lake; North Lahontan; South Lahontan; and Colorado River?


This aquifer is overlain by material sufficiently impervious to retain groundwater in the aquifer under pressure.

What is confined aquifer?


This program helps bring together local city officials and their water counter-parts to create a water resiliency plan.

What is the Growing Water Smart Program?


Celeste Rodriguez and Anamarie Avila Farias.

Who are the first two graduates that will go on to serve in the Assembly?