Who is it?
Truth or Naw
The Treasure
Literary Analysis
This person didn't want to go home and receive another lecture.
What is Greg Ridley
At the beginning of the story, Greg Ridley values his education.
What is Naw
Lemon Brown considers this is treasure.
What is old newspaper clippings and a banged up harmonica.
This tells us the story is set in Harlem in a run down neighborhood during a thunderstorm and that we have characters named Greg Ridley, Mr. Ridley, and Lemon Brown.
What is the exposition?
This word means unplanned or spontaneous.
What is impromptu
This person believes his treasure is worth fighting for.
What is Lemon Brown
Mr. Ridley's treasure is education.
What is truth?
These people tried to steal Lemon Brown's treasure.
What is scalawags.
This character is a dynamic character.
What is Greg Ridley
This word describes the appearance of something after time, when it has become roughened with age or from hard work.
What is gnarled?
This person is the protagonist of the story.
What is Greg Ridley
One example of sacrifice in this story is when Lemon Brown throws himself down the stairs.
What is truth.
Why was Lemon Brown's treasure so important to him?
What is because it reminded him of his successful day and because it was a link between himself and his son.
Using this point of view allows us to see and hear what Greg Ridley does and what he thinks, but we don't know what Greg's father or Lemon Brown thinks, hears, or sees.
What is third person limited point of view
If you were suddenly startled, you would have these.
What is tremors.
This person had a rough upbringing growing up and wants his son to get an education so he doesn't have to work as hard as his father did.
What is Greg Ridley's father
Greg Ridley will continue to fail math.
What is naw?
What does Mr. Ridley treasure?
What is education?
Greg Ridley is failing his math class. Is this cause or effect?
What is cause.
In Southeast Missouri, we consider tornadoes this...
What is ominous.
This person had been attacked before.
What is Lemon Brown.
Lemon Brown quit playing the blues because of the loss of his wife and son.
What is truth.
Lemon Brown's treasure causes changes in a character in the story. Who is it and describe the change.
What is Greg Ridley. Greg realizes his father wants the best for him and instead of dreading his father's lecture, he learns to appreciate what his father does. Talking with Lemon helps Greg realize, his dad's past (rough upbringing) influences how he tries to raise Greg.
The event where Greg and Lemon Brown fight off the scalawags to save Lemon's treasure is part of the plot diagram. Which part?
What is climax?
This word can be used to describe the way you might do something you were afraid you might get in trouble for or for something you aren't sure of the outcome of.
What is tentatively.