you should now
what is our lot number
are we right next to the seineur
no but we are close
what are our 4 youngests ages
1 , 4 , 8 , 11
what are the 3 oldest ages
15 13 12
what is a good thing about the lot
close to the water, close to the sienuier, smaller
what is somthing we find helpful
our plow
what is the name and age of the parents
Céline 29 Élliot 34
what do the 8 ,11 , 12 yr old do
they farm
what are the things we make
Cheese, milk , butter
(awnser specificly) what do the 1 , 4 , 13 and 15 yr old do.
the 15 year old helps cook the 13 yr old helps clean the 4 yr old helps clean and the 1 year old does nothing