The Father
The Son
The Holy Spirit
Bible Verses
Attributes of God
They are not older or greater than the Son, all are equally eternal and glorious.
What is who is the Father and the Holy Spirit?
He is fully God and a separate person from God; made human to accept the punishment for our sins.
What is who is Jesus, the Son?
How we know the truth about the Trinity.
What is the Bible?
In John 8:28-29, Jesus does what pleases Him, the one who sent Him.
What is who is the Father?
God leads us in the way we should go. God gives us the Holy Spirit so that we may recognize His voice and follow Him.
What is Guide?
The Father sends the Son to do His will and the Father and Son send the Spirit.
What is the order of the Trinity?
One will and perfect harmony.
What is who is how the Trinity works together?
Three in One and not divided into parts.
What is the Trinity?
In John 16:12-13, he will guide you into all the truth; he will not speak on his own, but speak only what he hears and tell you what is yet to come.
What is the Spirit of Truth or the Holy Spirit?
God is right in all He does. God has no sin and He never lies.
What is Righteous?
He submits gladly to the authority of the Father.
What is who is the Son?
The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit are three persons, yet one God.
What is the Trinity?
He was sent by the Father and the Son to complete the work they started.
What is the Holy Spirit?
In Genesis 1:9-10, He created land and seas and saw that it was good.
Who is God our Creator?
God's decisions are always based on His righteous character. God cannot ignore sin because He is holy.
What is Just?
He sent the Son to do His will.
What is who is the Father?
He was sent by God the Father as a human baby.
What is who is Jesus, the Son?
The home of the Holy Spirit today.
What is In You?
In Matthew 28:19, "...go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you."
What is the Great Commission?
God saves people regardless of what they have done or will do. He saves people who are rich and who are poor, those who are smart and those who are not smart. He is always fair.
What is Impartial?
The Father and Son sent this person to continue the work of redemption and sanctification.
What is who is The Holy Spirit?
To not believe God is the Trinity.
What is ignoring or believing less than the truth about God?
The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit make One.
What is One True God?
In Deuteronomy 6:4, the Lord our God is one. Ref:Qc
What is who is God three persons in One?
Our human mind cannot understand God's thoughts and ways. God is infinite and eternal and knows all things. He alone can be three persons in one being.
What is Incomprehensible?