FDR the Hero
Taylor & Kelce's Dust Bowl
Depressed in the USA
Alphabet Soup


Agency created to provide hydro-electric power for rural Tennessee. 

What is the TVA(Tennessee Valley Authority)?


These two states were a few of many affected by the Dust bowl drought.

What are Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas, South Dakota, Colorado?


This reason for the Great Depression caused Americans to lose all their savings and they could no longer get loans.

What is the collapse and closure of Banks?


These were the three R's of FDR's New Deal to pull America out of the GD.

What is Reform, Relief and Recovery?


Shanty towns of homeless people named after the president who wouldn't help them.

What are Hoovervilles?


Agency created to regulate the Stock Exchange and the buying and selling of stocks.

What is the SEC(Securities & Exchange Commission)?


Most Dust Bowl migrants ended up leaving for this part of America.

What is California and the West coast?


This trigger for the Great Depression happened in 1929 and caused a panic where people tried to dump their stocks.

What is the Stock Market Crash of 1929?


This agency was created to both create jobs and repair damage of over-farming America's natural environments.

What is the CCC(Civilian Conservation Corps)?


WWI veterans who wanted payment of a promised 500$ by the government during the GD.

Who is the Bonus Army?

Agency created to re-establish American confidence in the banking system.

What is the FDIC(Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation)?


This part of the land was lost to farmers because of dust storms during the Dust Bowl period.

What is the top soil?


This reached 25% and was a clear sign that our economy was in a depression. 

What is unemployment average?


This agency was created by FDR to help provide income for the elderly and those who could not work.

What is the SSA(Social Security Administration)?


A small city of homeless people during the GD including shacks built from scrap wood and metal. 

What is a Shantytown?


Agency created by FDR to try and put unemployed Americans back to work.

What is the WPA(Works Progress Administration)?


This is a primary reason for deterioration of farmland during the Dust Bowl.

What is poor farming practices?


During the GD this caused countries to virtually stop international trade with one another.

What is high tariffs on goods?


Name for the group of economists that FDR brought into the White house to help solve the economic crisis of the GD.

Who were the Brain Trust?


Pres. Hoover thought it best to help this part of the American economy during the GD.

What is business/big businesses?


This was the name for the series of agencies and reforms created to try and repair damage caused to American by the GD.

What is the New Deal?


This wild plant was cleared by farmers of the Great Plains and its absence caused a loss of fragile topsoil.

What is grass?


These were started by FDR to communicate directly with the American people and over 31 were completed during his time in office.

What are Fire Side Chats?


This global event in the 1940s eventually brought the GD to an end in the United States.

What is WWII?


Hoover feared that giving Americans direct assistance(money) would cause them to become this.

What is too lazy or dependent on government help.