What is Truth
The Truth Is
Ethics & Morality
Ethics & Morality
The Truth About Me

True or False, The question, "What is Truth?" is asked by John. 

False. Pilate asks the question.


According to the book of Judges, the people of Israel had "their truth." What was it?

It was every person for him or herself.


Who was Rahab and what did she do?

She was a prostitute that lied to hide the spies helping the israelites capture the city of Jericho


Is it okay to deny Christ if it would save someone's life?



Why is this world "me-centered" ?

Culture has taught this world to be entitled, self centered, selfish, focused only on oneself.


According to John 14:6, what is truth?

Jesus is the truth.


What cycle was the people of Israel living?

• Live in covenant relationship with God, live freely
• Do what they want, don’t repent, fall out of favor with God
• Become captive to another power, suffer as a nation
• Cry out to God to be saved
• God rescues Israel from danger, restores relationship
• Repeat


When there are gray areas of right and wrong what should we do when making a decision?

We should consult with God and strive to understand his Will.


How can you know God’s Will for your life? How can you know right from wrong?

Through studying his word, praying, fasting.


True or False. Biblically, Our life is our own.

False. According to the bible we are not our own. We were created by God for his honor and Glory.


What does Ephesians 1:13 and Colossians 1:5 teach us is the true message?

The Gospel


Throughout the book of Mathew, why does Jesus repeat the words "I Tell you the Truth." ?

He wants to show the importance of what He was telling them.


True or false. Your Morals dictate what is right and wrong.

True. Your moral values are what help you decide what is right and wrong. Our moral values should come from God's word.


According to Psalm 119:11, what can we do to avoid sinning against God? 

Hiding his word in our hearts. Not just reading his word but keeping it in our hearts always remembering it and following it.


Decisions we make should be influenced by what?

Jesus, The scripture, and the wisdom from those who love Jesus.


What is the church supposed to do with the truth?

Protect it. 


According to the word of God, is the truth absolute (truth is the same in all times/situations, never changes) or relative (truth changes based on the individual's understanding of it, situation, etc.)?

Absolute. Truth cannot be relative. There is a Standard of Truth, and His name is Jesus. He may not tell us everything we’ll ever need to know but everything we know and decide upon can be viewed through the lenses of Jesus' approval. This is what being a disciple is about. Decisions concerning how and when to speak, who to date, and what your career will be, etc., should be reserved for the Truth-giver, Jesus, to influence.


What are ethics?

Your set of moral principles. Set of rules you follow based on your moral values. Ex. It's unethical to steal from your workplace why? your morals tell you it's wrong to steal. 


According to Romans 6:16, what does sin lead to? What does obedience lead to?

Sin leads to death. Obedience leads to righteousness.


According to the word of God, what is the truth about you?

According to the word of God, we were created by God and called to belong to Jesus.


According to 2 Timothy 3:2-8, is everyone in the truth and will they agree? Why?

They are not in the truth because they are in sin and you can't be living in sin and in the truth. Those in sin are never able to come to a knowledge of the truth and oppose the truth.

In what books of the bible, does Jesus speak about Truth? 

Mathew, Mark, Luke, John


According to 1 Corinthians 1:25 what is our strength and wisdom compared to God's?

We are nothing compared to his wisdom and strength. His foolishness is wiser than our wisdom, his weakness is stronger than our greatest strength.


Proverbs 6:16-19 lists the things that the Lord hates. List as many as you can.

1. Haughty Eyes

2. Lying tongue

3. Hands that shed innocent blood

4. heart that devises wicked schemes

5. feet that are quick to rush into evil

6. False witness that pours out lies

7. Person that stirs up conflict in the community


Why are you valuable? (4 reasons)

1.Because God created you. (he breathed life into us)

2. Because of who you are. (created in his image, chosen before the foundation of the world)

3. Because of what you cost. (bought with the blood of christ)

4.Because of what you can become. (predestine for his purpose, he has a plan for our lives)