Now that's what I call Useless Knowledge
Platform Downfalls
Shipping Bullshit :)
Fandom Facts I Wish Weren't True
Classic Lit. or Fandom & Fanfic
Fans of a community, whether it's a character or a game itself, create fan-projects into physical books depicting fanfiction and fanart of said community, character, or game.



This platform has fallen into not only having an identity crisis, but also right-wing propaganda. Watch where you promise to spend your money!

X, also known as Twitter.


This strangely platonic-based ship war has caused waves in the LoL community; the fandom between two groups flaring as they debate who 'flopped' harder.

KDA vs Heartsteel (yes this is a real fandom beef it's very dumb.)


This fanfiction had so many tags attributed to it, that Archive of Our Own had to activate a tag limit on all works -- what used to be infinite, is now 75 tags maximum. 

Sexy Times with Wangxian


I am not afraid of storms, for I am learning how to sail my ship.

Classic Lit - Louisa May Alcott, Little Women


This musical stageplay was performed at a convention one year; a musical parody of a beloved franchise that started in 2001 on the PS2, highlighting how ridiculous the plot of jumping planets could really be.

Fandom Hearts - A Kingdom Hearts Parody Musical.

This website was used to post blogposts and skin overviews for League of Legends. I just found out it died like a month ago but it's been dead for YEARS???



Final Fantasy 7's neverending war, transcending time with how long it's been going on between the main character and these two women.

Clerith (Cloud x Aerith) vs Cloti (Cloud x Tifa)


A popular fanfiction trope, originated from Supernatural, landed in a legal courtroom over if a straight version of the trope was an original enough idea to copyright, and if so, if you could sue over the stealing and recreation of said trope. 

And yes, they had to read it out loud for the record.



On good days, she looks at me. I know better than to go home on bad days.

Fanfic - theyellowpawn, fight, flight, freeze


'Green Eggs and Ham' was written because Dr. Suess took a bet from someone that he could write a poem with this specific limitation.

That it was impossible to write a children's book with less than 50 different words in it.


An online chatroom platform that was commonly used before stuff such as Discord, Whatsapp, Telegram, or Line existed or were popularized. Known for their strange fandom-cultlike group chats and even more questionable user behaviors, a whole PR campaign came out warning parents about the use of this app on their child's phone.



Being gay and doing crime. 

(Free Space, +100)


A ship is based on an anime character being shipped with a real-life victim of genocide. 

No Duck, you cannot answer this one.

Goku x Anne Frank


In all the sparkling noise that demands attention, attention, attention: the unknown is what moved us. still moves us. a voice is hard to find, but this sound--its what I've been dreaming of.

Fandom – League of Legends (Heartsteel)

In Final Fantasy XIV, the Xaela AuRa, who live and remain on the plains of the Azem Steppe, are names of this language.



This app was predominately used to share images that people laughed over -- but if you looked in the right places, roleplay was a very common (and questionable) sight. Be careful; you may be roped into the Danganronpa murder trials of random people you've never met!



This ship caused such a divide in the community of League of Legends even though it's been hinted at for literal years. It was confirmed in a written story and given accompanying art of the two polar opposites finding love in a war against each other's people, even when their lifes purpose were in juxapose to one another.

Leona x Diana


An online cult centered around Severus Snape; the members believed that Severus Snake was a real, breathing, living god to worship.

The Snapists.


When a child first catches adults out—when it first walks into his grave little head that adults do not always have divine intelligence, that their judgments are not always wise, their thinking true, their sentences just—his world falls into panic desolation. The gods are fallen and all safety gone. And there is one sure thing about the fall of gods: they do not fall a little; they crash and shatter or sink deeply into green muck. It is a tedious job to build them up again; they never quite shine. And the child’s world is never quite whole again. It is an aching kind of growing.

Classic Lit – John Steinbeck, East of Eden 


It's illegal to have this animal in Queensland, Australia.

Rabbits! (They're pests for farmers)


Dreamwidth is a fandom-based website inspired off this now-shut down platform, known for its journaling and fandom archiving until it was bought out by a new company who wasn't interested in fandom.



Jokingly referred to as 'the gayest straight ship', this NEO: The World Ends With You ship is actually heavily hinted at in canon, and is the main 'official' ship of the game.

Rindoka (Rindo x Shoka)


The Hamilton musical fanfiction writer of 'to scale the blue sky' was called out and exposed for lying about having this incurable virus -- the same virus she gave Hamilton in this Alexander Hamilton x John Lawrence centered fanfic that rocked the Hamilton tumblr fandom for years to come.


+100 extra points for any other lie you happen to guess;

- Lying about being trafficked, Muslim, from the east, not a US citizen, and about being several different people.

Right. The months and days are wayfarers passing through endless ages, and the years that come and go are travellers, too. Those who float their life away on boats or meet old age plodding before a horse – they spend their days journeying, and call the journey home. And many men of yore died on the journey, unafraid of the fate they may meet on the road.

Fanfic – whoopdeedoo, not even for a moment do things stand still