Parenting Lessons
Class books
Zoom Meetings

What Organization published the Parenting lessons Instructors Manuel?  

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints 


Who is reading the book about Free Range Parenting? 



Toward the beginning of the semester, who taught the importance of Fathers to the class? 



What declaration is the center of the Parenting Lessons?

Family Proclamation to the World 


The title of Carolyn's book is called? 

No-Drama Discipline (The whole-Brain way to calm the chaos and nurture your child's developing mind. 


According to Laura's book, what is most important for parents to establish with their children to encourage them to explore? 

A Circle of Security 


What Lesson Number is Overcoming Anger in the "Strengthening the Family" Manual?

Lesson #6


Which book gives different suggestions to parents on how to raise children who struggle with behavior? 

Pretty much everyone's!


According to Stephanie's book, where are parents getting the impression that their children are no longer safe in the world? 

(EX: No longer safe to play alone with their friends outside)

Social media, TV, statistics. 


Which Lesson does this quote come from? 

“Our communications reflect in our countenance. Therefore, we must be careful not only what we communicate, but also how we do so. Souls can be strengthened or shattered by the message and the manner in which we communicate. . . ." 

Lesson #3 

Communicating with Love 


Who are the authors of Parenting with Love and Logic?

Foster Cline and Jim Fray 


Which books discuss the importance of establishing a good connection to their children? 

(Hint: 3) 

Liz, Carolyn and Laura's


What are five Examples of Nurturing Children (Lesson #4)?

1. Teaching them appropriate behavior.

2. Imposing consequences for misbehavior. 

3. Providing children with food, clothing, and shelter. 

4. Showing love, respect, and devotion. 

5. Setting a proper example.


What is the title of the book that focuses on helping children, parents and teachers and is also an actual program? 

The Incredible Years 

What is the purpose of these books we have been assigned to read? 

Variety of answers 

1. Help parents with children with behavioral issues

2. Improve peoples parenting skills/techniques 

3. Educate parents on children's development to help them understand their children.