Test Anxiety
Time Management
Test Strategy
Critical Reading/Writing
Do this a week before the test
What is take a practice test
Studying this ahead of time is the best way to save time on the test
What is the PSAT directions found in the test booklet
If you answer a multiple-choice question incorrectly, you suffer this penalty
What is you lose 1/4 of a point
These small parts of words often help you determine the definition of a larger word.
What are root words
Start you grid-in answer in this box to avoid mistakes
What is the first box
Do not do this the night before the test
What is study
High scorers do this to save time on the exam; it is also a verb used to describe a vibrant manner of foot travel
What is skip the hard questions in order to answer the easy questions
Test questions are ordered in this format, serving as a warning to students
What is easiest to hardest
There are 4 steps to answering a sentence completion question: 1-Read the sentence for clues. 2-Predict an answer. 3-Scan the answer choices for a match. The 4th step is this method of checking your selected answer choice.
What is read your selected answer choice back into the sentence.
Picking numbers is a PSAT Math strategy where test takers make abstract problems more concrete by...
What is replacing abstract letters with real numbers
A healthy breakfast and this packed food item are important parts of a successful test day
What is a snack
For reading comprehension, little picture and vocabulary questions are found...and big picture questions are found...
What is at the beginning of the question set and throughout the question set.
Some questions are trap-door questions meaning
What is they appear to have an easy answer but they are really hard
These are the three Writing question types.
What is Identifying Sentence Errors, Improving Sentences, and Improving Paragraphs
The backsolving method allows you to eliminate choices that are too big or too small by...
What is starting with an answer choice (c) and plugging the answer into the equation
Wearing this will help reduce any stress during the test about running out of time
What is a watch
This section of questions are not ordered easiest to hardest and require you to read through the sentence throughly
What is the writing section
This is a test strategy that calls for the elimination of more than one response
What is educated guessing
An ambiguous reference statement violates this grammar rule regarding pronouns.
What is every pronoun must have a clear antecedent.
Eyeballing can help you eliminate answer choices by looking at the measurements on these types of problems
What is geometry problems
Doing one of these exercises every so often for 20 seconds will increase concentration and energy.
What is an isometric exercise
In the Critical Reading Section, which type of question can be done quickly if you run out of time
What is identifying the definition of a word question
There are 5 sections on the PSAT, they appear in what order?
What is Critical Reading-25 mins Math-25 minutes Critical Reading-25 mins Math-25 mins Writing-30 mins
The words congenial, congeal, collusion, and collateral all share the pre-fix "co." "Co" means...
What is together, mutually, jointly
The quadratic equation is used frequently and is this formula.
What is x^2 +2xy+y^2