Divinity of Jesus
St. John the Beloved
Pope Dioscorous
King Jehoshaphat

Which Tibe was Daniel From?



How long were the young men to be trained in the palace?

3 Years


Who were St. Johns Family Members?

St. John was the son of Zebedee and the brother of St. James. His mother was one of the women who followed our Lord Jesus Christ.


What was the result of Daniel and his friends eating only vegetables and water for 10 days?

They looked Stronger and better that the other men who ate the kings food 


What book did St. John write while exiled on the island of Patmos?



What was St. John's profession before following Jesus?

St. John and his Brother were fishermen.


What did King Nebuchadnezzar command Ashpenaz to do?

To bring young men of the noble people of Israel and the royal family who were wise and good-looking, to teach them the language and literature of the Chaldeans.


What does the Creed affirm about our belief in God and Jesus Christ?

The Creed affirms: "We believe in one God the Father, the Pantocrator...We believe in one Lord, Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of God, begotten of the Father before all ages... Yes, we believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the Giver of Life, who proceeds from the Father."


What false belief did Leo, the Bishop of Rome, propagate, and how did Pope Dioscorus respond?

Leo, the Bishop of Rome, propagated the belief that our Lord Jesus Christ has two natures: a human nature shown during His crucifixion and a divine nature shown during His miracles. Pope Dioscorus refuted this belief, asserting that Jesus Christ is one, with His humanity and divinity united without separation in all His works.


Why did the other rulers become jealous of Daniel?

The other rulers became jealous of Daniel because of his wisdom and high position.


Which miracles did St. John witness along with St. Peter and St.James?

St.John witnessed the raising of the daughter of Jairus from death and the transfiguration 


How did St. John demonstrate his close relationship with Jesus during His crucifixion?

St. John accompanied Jesus to trie cross, and Jesus entrusted him with the care of His mother, St. Mary (John 19:25-28).


Who was St. Dioscorus, and what was his role in the church?

St. Dioscorus was born to a Coptic family Alexandria, Egypt. He studied at the Theological School of Alexandria and was a disciple of Pope Cyril I. After Pope Cyril's departure, St. Dioscorus became the 25th Pope of Alexandria and defended the Orthodox faith against false teachings.


What is the foundation of our faith regarding God and the divinity of Jesus Christ?

Our faith is built on the belief that our God is one of three Hypostases (persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. They are not three but one God with an equal divine nature.


What did King Nebuchadnezzar dream about?

King Nebuchadnezzar dreamt about a big statue a head of gold, chest and arms of silver, stomach and thighs of bronze, and legs and feet of iron and clay.

A big stone, cut out without hands, struck and broke the statue into pieces, and the stone became a big mountain that filled the whole earth.


How does 1 John 5:7 support the belief in the Trinity?

1 John 5:7 says, "For there are three that bear witness in heaven: the Father, the Word, and the Holy Spirit; and these three are one," supporting the belief in the Trinity.


What is the significance of the 7th day of the Coptic Month of Thoout (September 17) in the Synaxarion?

It commemorates Pope Dioscorus, the 25th Pope of Alexandria, who is remembered for defending the Orthodox faith.


What does John 3:36 say about believing in Jesus Christ?

John 3:36 says,

"He who believes in the Son has everlasting life and he who does not believe the Son shall not see life.'


How did King Jehoshaphat; prepare for the battle against the people of Moab, Ammon, and Mount Seir?

Instead of preparing his army for battle

King Jehoshaphat:

Set himself to seek the Lord

Proclaimed a fast throughout all of Judah.

Gathered the people of Judah to pray.


What miracles demonstrate Jesus Christ's authority over nature, animals, plants, matter, man, and the devil?

  • Nature: Walking on water
  • Animals: Miracle of catching many fish
  • Plants: Cursing the fig tree that didn't bear fruit
  • Matter: Changing water into wine
  • Man: Raising people from the dead
  • Devil: Defeating the devil

What is the importance of preserving the faith according to the Synaxarion?

it shows us that the Lord is our salvation. It emphasizes the belief that God incarnated and was born from the Virgin St. Mary, uniting His humanity and divinity without separation, mingling, confusion, or alteration.


What do we learn about the power of prayer from the life of King Jehoshaphat?

prayer is a powerful means of seeking refuge and strength from the Lord. By turning to prayer, fasting, and seeking God's guidance, Jehoshaphat and the people of Judah received divine intervention and victory over their enemies.


What quotes from saints emphasize the importance of prayer?

"Prayer is the key to heaven. I can do all things through prayer." (St. Augustine)

"Prayer is getting attached to God throughout our lives." (St. Basil)

"Prayer is a great weapon and source of countless blessings." (St. John Chrysostom)

"This kind can come out by nothing but prayer and fasting." (Mark 9:29)


How did Daniel prove that Bel did not eat the food offered to it?

Daniel proved that Bel did not eat the food by sifting ashes throughout the temple, revealing the footsteps of the priests who secretly ate the food through hidden doors.


What are the titles given to St. John, and why?

  • "The disciple of love" and "St. John the beloved' because he talked about love in all his sermons and books.
  • "The evangelist" because he wrote one of the four gospels.
  • "John the Seer" because he saw the revelation.
  • "The disciple whom Jesus loved."