in which musical is there a backstory of two witches who became some of the most iconic faces in musical history
Wicked: The Untold Story of the Witches of Oz
who is the very toxic person whom ruins peoples lives and is also an ambassador at Bubble skincare
Andrew Sternberg
which animal has the biggest heart
a blue whale
how many hearts does an octopus have
who ordered a blanket off of amazon and it still hasn't arrived yet
Elisa Ravell
in which musical does the audience focus on a new girl who moved to America from a foreign country and ends up being a popular mean kid
Mean Girls
which of our friends is a 6th grader who attends Schyular Middle School in Wayne, NJ
Arianna Swanna Savannah Kendall Dietz
how many folds does a chefs hat have
what is the only mammal that can fly
a bat
who's roblox avatar is dressed up as a my little pony and underneath is a strawberry cow
Aidan Magrath
in which musical do we focus on a young pretty girl who is slammed away by her family but ends up marrying a prince
who is the very smelly person who also wears the same hair style every day to rehearsal
Abby Dykstra
what color is a polar bears hair
black (the white look comes from body fat)
a cloud weighs around how many tuns
1 million
who bought their dog panties to wear and made a video for it
Francesca Coniglio
in what musical do we just focus on the lives of teenagers who are trying out for a school musical and a bunch of drama comes along
High School Musical
who is the russian little girl who has a lisp
Talia Trefel
why do people say "bless you" when you sneeze
because your heart actually stops when you sneeze
how old is the oldest living animal on earth
192 (a Tortise named Johnny)
who got a new ipad for xmas
Lucas Bouchard
this tony winning musical is based on a book about two groups who grew up from different sides of the track
The Outsiders
who is the girl from Spamalot who started rumors about their counselors
Sabrina Broth
what is a baby rabbit called
a "kit"
what body feature does the Mona Lisa not have
what is aidan's fav food (brand MUST be included)
kraft mac n' cheese