Symbolism or Characterization
Foreshadowing/Analyzing and Archetypes

Why is Morgause spending time with the knights?

She is trying to be the bait as a virgin in order to catch a unicorn and distract King Pellinore from his love.


How is Queen of Flander's daughter characterized? Find a quote. What is her role in the story? 

Characterization: "This was fine so far as it went - for the lady of his choice was a managing, middle-aged, stout-hearted creature, who could cook, ride a straight line, and make beds..." (page 249).

Role: The Queen of Flander's daughter is named Piggy. King Pellinore falls in love with Piggy and they plan to get married. Piggy highlights Pellinore good qualities. 


What type of archetype is Morgause? Why? 

Morgause is a villain archetype. She is the enemy of the hero, King Arthur. In addition, she also has little care for her children.


How does Sir Grummore and Sir Palomides cheer up King Pellinore up? What role does this provide?

They dress up as the Questing Beast. This provides comic relief. While it is a sad situation since the Questing Beast is gone, this scene makes the situation funny.


What is the spancel? What does a spancel do? Be specific.

A spancel is a magic tape that is made from human skin. If it is tied around the head of a person who is sleeping, that person will fall in love with you. 


What does Arthur plan to create in order to avoid jealousy of knights who want to be at the top of the table?

King Arthur plans to create the Knights of the Round Table.


Why were King Lot of Orkney's men not reverent about bishops blessing their armies before the Battle of Bedegraine? (HINT: on page 284)

King Arthur's men were outnumbered by King Lot's men by three to one. Therefore, King Lot's men were believed to win.


Who kills the unicorn? What does this say about the character?

Agravaine kills the unicorn. This shows that Agravaine is the cruelest and most bloodthirsty compared to his brothers. He kills the unicorn without any hesitation or sadness unlike his brothers. 


How does Morgause get Arthur to use the Spancel?

She has twice the power of Arthur's weapons because she is twice as old. In addition, King Arthur falls in love with her. Since she has children, this indicates that she is motherly.


What does Merlyn forget to tell/warn Arthur?

Merlyn forgets to tell King Arthur that Igraine is actually his mother and that Morgause is his half-sister.


How many magpies did King Pellinore see? What do the magpies symbolize?

King Pellinore sees 7 magpies. One is for sorrow, two for joy, three for a marriage, and four for a boy. Because there are 7 magpies, this symbolizes 4 boys.


What is King Arthur's downfall? (HINT: on page 312)

King Arthur sleeps with his own sister without knowing it and has a son named Mordred.


What Latin phrase means "the once and future king"? Try to pronounce the entire phrase. Where will the Latin phrase be found? (Hint: on page 287)

Hic jacet Arthurus Rex quandam Rexque futurus means "the once and future king." This Latin phrase will be found on Arthur's Tombstone.


What does the unicorn symbolize? How does the symbolization of unicorns change throughout the chapters?

Unicorns symbolize innocence since it is attracted to virgins. This symbolism changes when the brothers kill the unicorn-symbol of innocence. During the unicorn hunt, the symbolization of unicorns changes to a loss of innocence. 


What does kay’s statement foreshadow? Why is King Arthur's reasoning for war flawed(page 267)?

Kay's statement foreshadows that King Arthur will impose his ideas on King Lot and his enemies. King Arthur's reasoning for war is flawed because ideas should be not be imposed on people but instead, made available.