4. Quality Education
No Poverty, Zero Hunger, Good Health

5. Gender Inequality
11. Sustainable Cities and Communities

Do you like your school? 

What is something good about your school?


Are there a lot of homeless people in Japan? Does the government help these homeless people? How?


Have you ever seen someone treated differently because of their gender?


Do you think your city is sustainable? Why or why not?


What does sustainable mean? Can you use it in a sentence?

If something is sustainable, it can be continued for a long time, especially without using up resources.


The oil-based lifestyle of today is not sustainable.

Bicycling to work is a sustainable transportation option.

Turning off the faucet when you are brushing your teeth is a sustainable action to save water.


Is there something in school they do not teach but you want to learn more about? 

Do you think your school talks about important issues?


Do you think the food in Japan is healthy? Is it easy for everyone to eat healthy food in Japan?


What are some ways we have improved gender equality? 

(Example: In many countries, women can vote.)

Women can vote, are allowed to run for office, are allowed to work the same jobs as men, are allowed to go to school in many countries, etc.


What is an example of something a person can do to make their house more sustainable?

You can grow a garden, plant trees, turn off the lights when you are done, compost your food, try to not waste food or water, etc.


What does inclusive mean? Can you use it in a sentence?

Definition: If something is inclusive, it is open to all the people or all the things that it could be open to. 

Example: Our school has a very inclusive culture so that nobody feels left out. 


Do you think entrance exams to get into high school or college are good or bad?


Japan has a high life expectancy. Why do you think that is?


How can we make the genders more equal? 

How can we improve gender inequality?

Men be kinder to women, men support and give some of their power to women.

Treat everyone equally, no matter their gender. Do not make assumptions about another person just because they are a boy or girl.


What is an example of sustainable transportation?

Bicycling, taking public transportation like the train or bus, electric vehicles whose energy comes from renewable sources, walking, etc.


What is a renewable resource? Give an example of a renewable resource.

A renewable resource is a resource which can be used repeatedly and replaced naturally. 

Renewable energy almost never runs out, for example: solar energy is powered by heat from the sun and never runs out. Other examples include oxygen, geothermal power, fresh water, solar energy and biomass. 


If you were the principal of your school for one day, what would you do to make it better?


Are you worried about how air pollution or the quality of the water you drink affects your health?


Do you know any female politicians in Japan? Can you name one?

(Picture: The Japanese National Diet)


Is your city prepared for when a big storm or natural disaster like a tsunami or earthquake happens? How do you prepare for these strong weather events?


What is climate change? 

What is an example of an effect of climate change?

Climate change is a long-term change in temperature and weather patterns. For example, in general, the Earth is getting hotter everywhere.


Many people across the globe are unable to continue their education. Can you name one reason why someone might be unable to continue their education?

Their family needs them to work to support their family, tuition or school fees are too expensive, some countries do not allow girls past a certain age to continue to go to school, some towns lack good schools, etc.


How can society take care of the aging population/the elderly? Can Japan do more to help these people?


What are some reasons why women have a harder time in society?

Women are often required to do domestic tasks like caring for kids, cleaning the house, making food, etc. so they have little time to do other things like work on their career or pursue advanced education.

Misogyny, sexism

Many industries are dominated by men and are hostile or unkind to women.


In many cities, pollution is very high. How can pollution be reduced or decreased?

Planting trees, using more renewable sources of energy, using less oil, petroleum, and natural gas, walking and bicycling, using cleaner energy, creating stricter regulations about how company throw out their waste, etc.


What is inequality? Give an example of inequality in Japanese society.

Inequality is when one group has more (power, money, things) than another and it is unfair. 

Example: Japan struggles to improve gender inequality in the country. In Japan, there are very few women in government and men are often paid more than women for the same job.