Name the most famous fast food brand in the USA
Mc Donald
What is the capital of the USA ?
Washington D.C
Who is the president of the USA ?
Donald Trump
On which continent are the USA ?
On the North American continent
What food is very typical ?
What is the 2nd most spoken language in the USA ?
Name 3 Americans' favorite sports
American football/soccer/ice-hockey/basket-ball/base-ball
How many states are there ?
What time do the Americans usually have dinner ?
Between 5 and 7
How many hours does it take to fly from Paris to New York ?
About 9 hours
Name the most famous famous university in America
How many big rivers are there in the USA?
What is french bread ?
What the French call "pain perdu"
What is the smallest city in the USA ?
What year was the first Thanksgiving celebrated?
What road is the most famous ?
Route 66
What is the Americans'favorite French dish ?
"boeuf bourguignon"
How many different languages are spoken in the USA ?
What is the age of the USA ?
248 years old
What is the most famous tourist destination?
The Grand Canyon