Communism in the USSR
Russian Rulers
Policies and Procedures
Bloc Nations
Arms, Mission and Deception

A person whose mission was to train the Russian people to think like good communists.

What is a Commissar?


His reign became known as the “Era of Stagnation”

Who is Leonid Brezhnev?


Gorbachev relaxed some of the USSR’s strict rules about government ownership of businesses. He allowed private businessman to own certain types of businesses and keep more of the money they earned when they did well.

What is Perestroika (restructuring)?


The most rigidly communist state in the Communist Bloc that took a violent revolution to overthrow its communist government.

What is Romania?

  • Save nations the money they would have spent on nuclear weapons

  • Limit the amount of death and destruction 

  • Protect the earth’s environment from the permanent damage a nuclear war could cause

  • Help enemies avoid war and learn to trust each other

What are some of the benefits of Nuclear arms reductions?


It meant fewer executions, imprisonments and torture and a new emphasis on quality of life.

What did De-Stalinization mean?


By building nuclear missiles, weapons and armies until his military was the most fearsome on earth.

How did Brezhnev prepare the USSR for war against the West?


Gorbachev allowed the people of the USSR to speak more freely about their history and government without fear of ending up in prison.

What is Glasnost (openness)?


In November 1989, he won reelection for another 5 years and announced that he intended to ignore the revolutions that were going on in the other Communist Bloc nations.

Who is Nikolai Ceausescu?

  • Nations that join have to closely watch their enemies to make sure they aren’t being deceptive

  • They can actually make war more likely because an aggressive nation may take advantage of a weaker nation and attack it

What are drawbacks to Nuclear arms reduction treaties?


In 1956 he shocked the communist party by denouncing Stalin and announcing that he intended to de-Stalinize the USSR and lead his nation in a new direction.

Who is Nikita Khrushchev?


Policy which states that the USSR had a right to intervene whenever outsiders tried to interfere with communist nations.

What is the Brezhnev Doctrine?


Under this policy, Gorbachev:

  • Released political prisoners

  • Allowed the people of the USSR more contact with the outside world through newspapers, radio broadcasts and visitors

  • Allowed honest discussion of the miseries of life under Stalin

What is Glasnost?


Alexander Dubcek tried to reform USSR-controlled Czechoslovakia. He created a program to allow freedom of speech, freedom of the press and freedom to travel beyond the Iron Curtain. 

What is the “Prague Spring”?


His mission was to carry Bibles into forbidden places so that God’s Word could speak to the hearts of others as it spoke to him. He founded a missionary organization called Open Doors to carry on his smuggling work.

Who is Andrew van der Bijl or Brother Andrew?


Two of Khruschev's most notorious moves in other countries that contributed to him being the US's most bitter Cold War opponent?

What were building the Berlin Wall and placing missiles in Cuba.


He was presiding over the demise of the Soviet Empire.

Who is Mikhail Gorbachev?


When the truth about communism was revealed, what two things became clear?

  • socialism/communism was not the perfect system of government that the stalinists had always claimed it was

  • The leaders of the communist party had never been the selfless servants of the people that they claimed to be


Because the Russian people were tired of communism’s inability to supply even their most basic needs. 

Why did Russia declared its independence from the USSR on June 12, 1990?


He founded Voice of the Martyrs to tell the stories of Christians who were suffering at the hands of communist and Islamic governments around the world. 

Who is Richard Wurmbrand?


He was considered the world authority on communism.



In August 1991, this group formed a plan to convince Gorbachev to declare a state of emergency and reunite the USSR. 

Who are the 8 hard-line Communist party officials known as the “Gang of Eight”?


Under this policy, the USSR would allow its former satellites to have their own way and make up their own decisions about what type of government they would have. 

What is the Sinatra Doctrine?


After 73 years under communism, he planned to restore Russia’s prosperity by returning Russia to capitalism. 

Who is Boris Yeltsin?


This continued until all of Eastern Europe fell behind Stalin’s “Iron Curtain” of strict, dictatorial communism.

What are the Western Betrayals?