What year was slavery abolished in Britain?
What is 1833?
Due to this reform women were allowed to get jobs in the working industries
What is Industrial revolution
What right were woman not given during the Victorian Era?
What is The Right to Vote?
What is the book Charlotte Bronte wrote about her time in a ragged school?
What is Jane Eyre?
What is Nature and Idealized love?
What is an Ragged Schools?
What book did Charles Darwin publish?
What is "On the Origin of Species?"
What is notoriously strict and often involved harsh physical punishments?
What book did Charles Dickens publish in 1860?
What is Great Expectations?
What were the ages of the children that were forced to work in the factories?
What is 4-14?
What is Prince Albert?
How old was Queen Victoria when she became queen?
What is 18 years old?
What book did Emily Bronte write?
What is Wuthering Heights?
What is five percent?
How long was Queen Victoria queen?
What is 60 years?
What book did Robert Louis Stevenson publish?
What is Treasure Island?
What was the most common mode of transportation (other than rail) in Victorian England?
What is Walking?
Name the novel where Charles Dickens describes the unequal punishment given to the rich and the poor.
What is "Great Expectations"