Vs. 1-3
vs. 4-7
vs. 8-10
vs 11...
Name the figures of speech used in verse 1
Consonance and Assonance: Wake, sleep, take, waking
What figure of speech is "I hear my being dance from ear to ear" ?
Metaphor/ hyperbole: You can't really hear you entire being dance from ear to ear
Why is ground capitalized?
The ground is not a simple object but a life force. It is where dead bodies decompose, where the ground nourishes new birth and life, and continues the circle of life.
What does the lowly worm climbing the stair show us?
That we are like a worm on the forest floor. We slowly journey through life and will meet death once we reach the top of the stairs. We cannot explain what drives the cycle of life but we can feel and be a part of it.
What is the meaning of the first line of the final stanza?
The "shaking" is both the fear of accepting mortality and the willing openness to experience life to the fullest. The point where fear and excitement meets, where logic becomes vision, where death changes into life, and where we must find balance.
What figures of speech is used in verse 2
Alliteration: feel, fate, fear
What is the meaning of verse 4?
By stating that "We think by feeling" and "what is there to know" implies that there is nothing "to know". Life can only be felt, no one knows his fate or future.
What does the repetition in verse 9 reveal?
It makes clear that the speaker in the poem has realized that the fate which he “cannot fear” is death.
What is an example of personification in verses 13-15?
“Great Nature has another thing to do”
Name the rhyme patterns of the whole poem (Ex. ABAC…)
Give an example of a paradox in verses 1-3
I wake to sleep
hawhaw bonus points: What is the title of the poem?
The Waking
What are some figures of speech in verse 7? Name 2
Assonance: Those, close, anastrophe: Of those so close beside me, which are you?
What is the meaning in verse 13-14?
It shows that we have reached a point of enlightenment and understand that death is part of the cycle of life. With this new knowledge, we should take “the lively air” and let fate, our partner, lead us in the dance and live life to the fullest. The speaker than learns by going where to go.
What is so significant about the worm climbing the stairs?
It may refer to a struggle against all odds.
What does verse 3 mean?
To learn by going means to move without a specific goal and simply accepting where you have to go. In this case, where you have to go is your fate.
What does verse 5 mean?
It proves that we are in a dream and part of a visionary experience.
Name an example of personification in verse 10.
“Light takes the Tree”
What is an example of a paradox in verse 16?
“This shaking keeps me steady”
What is does “I wake to sleep, and take my waking slow” mean?
Although being awake means a conscious state, in the poem, being awake means to release our logical intellect and to allow our visionary experience to unravel the mysteries of fate. Basically it shows the speaker’s reluctance to wake up from his dream and go back to the logical world. He wants to hold onto the visionary experience or dream he is experiencing as long as possible. To wake up slowly is to gradually become aware that we are in a dream and logic will soon engulf us.
What does "I feel my fate in what I cannot fear," mean?
Normally fate is something that scares us because it cannot be felt or anticipated. By feeling fate instead of fearing it, you are accepting rather than resisting it.
Who are the "those" in verse 7?
It might imply a friend, lover, are you “waking” or “sleeping”, are you alive or dead?
Why is Tree capitalized?
It is the tree of life
What figure of speech is used in verse 17?
Who wrote this poem?
Theodore Roethke