Be safe, Be respectful, Be responsible
What are the three main school rules?
A undesirable behavior in PAX.
What is a spleem?
During this time we build relationships and problem-solving skills. We also use this time to address children and teacher concerns.
What is Classroom Meeting?
When students are having a hard time, they can do this to help regulate their emotions.
What is breathing?
We do this when moving in the hallway.
What is walk?
Students participate in these three times a year to review the school-wide expectations.
What are Expectation Stations?
Armpit farts are an example of this.
What is a Granny's Wacky Prize?
The time of day that Classroom Meeting for problem-solving occurs.
What is the beginning of the day and/or immediately following lunch recess?
The part in the brain that regulates our emotional response. It causes the fight, flight, or freeze response.
What is the amygdala?
When we walk in the hallway with our class, our lines are these 3 S's.
What is straight, silent, and stunning?
These are given to students when they are caught making a good choice.
What is a Blue Ticket?
This is a handwritten note that recognizes positive behavior in an individual.
What is a tootle?
The purpose of classroom meeting is to problem-solve and also to do this?
What is reduce behavior referrals?
The part of the brain that manages our response to fear or threats. It is a storage vault of memory and learning.
What is Hippocampus?
When a student is not following the behavior expectations in the classroom, they can go here to take a break or complete a Think Time Sheet.
What is the Buddy Room?
The day of the week we have a Blue Ticket prize drawing.
What is Friday?
I better myself and I better the world.
What is a PAX tenant?
The three R's for problem-solving during a classroom meeting.
What are Respectful, Reasonable, and Related?
Among other things, students can write the amount of sleep they have and the breakfast they eat in this.
What is the Daily Tracker?
An area of every classroom where students take a break or calm down.
What is the Quiet Area?
Major physical aggression, overt defiance, and health need are all examples of what?
What are times to send a child immediately to the office?
More of and less of applies to creating this.
What is a PAX vision?
Beginning with compliments, build and review an agenda, and end with fun are examples of what?
What is the Classroom Meeting structure or outline?
The learning, reasoning, and thinking center of the brain.
What is the pre-frontal cortex?
"What Happens", "Own Up" and "Where do we go" are referred to as this.
What is a WOW?