People Party Rockin in the 1700s
You Want to Battle Me?
Hooked on a Boston
Dance Dance American Revolution
I do so Declare
Who led the Continental Army? Francis Marion/ George Rogers Clark/ George Washington/ Patrick Henry
Who was: George Washington
Where was "the shot heard round the world" fired?Lexington/ Sarotoga/ Trenton/ Concord/
Where is Lexington
Who were the Minutemen? German mercenaries/Soldiers at Valley Forge/Massachusetts militiamen/Followers of the Swamp Fox/
Who were Massachusetts militiamen
Why were the Committees of Correspondence important? For communicating among revolutionary Americans/ For improvement in American education/ for communication between American and French generals/ for talks betweenAmerican and British leaders
What is For communicating among revolutionary Americans
What was the Actual effect of the Stamp Act in the colonies? What is no more taxes/The Stamp Act Congress/The Intolerable acts/less tea in the Boston Harbor
The Stamp Act Congress
Who wrote the pamphlet called Common Sense? Crispus Attucks/ John Hancock/ Thomas Paine/ Patrick Henry
Who is Thomas Paine
Which of the following Best describes the outcome at Bunker Hill? What is an overwhelming victory for the British? A victory for the militiamen, but at a great cost/ A narrow defeat for the British/A victory for the British, but at a great cost/
What is a victory for the British, but at a great cost.
Which of the following was Not an effect of the Boston Tea Party? 342 chests of tea overboard/A committee of Correspondence/the intolerable acts/The anger of King George
What is a Committee of Correspondence
Which of Washingtons experiences prepared him for his role in the revolution? his first term as President/ his leadership of the Continental Army/ his managment of a textile mill/ his time with the British in the French and Indian War
What is his time with the British in the French and Indian War
What was the direct cause of the Boston Tea Party? The Committees of Correspondence/The British tax on tea/The Sons of Liberty/The Intolerable Acts
What is The British tax on tea
Who wrote the Declaration of Independence? John Hancock/ George Washington/ Thomas Jefferson/ Thomas Paine/
Who is Thomas Jefferson
Which of the following was the MOST important effect of the victory at Saratoga in 1777? What is The British took control of the Hudson River/ The Americans almost lost all hope/ The Germans decided to help the British/ The French decided to help the Americans?
What is the Fench decided to help the Americans
Which of the following does NOT belong in the same category as the other three? George Rogers Clark/George Washington/ Charles Cornwallis/Francis Marion
Who is Charles Cornwallis
Which of the following BEST describes African Americans during the Revolutionary War? they almost fought with the Americans/None fought in the war/ They almost all fought with the British/ About equal numbers fought on both sides
What is About equal numbers fought on both sides
What caused the colonists to create the Continental army? The Battle of Bunker Hill/ The new tax on tea/ The start of the war with Great Britian/ The Declaration of Independence
What is the start of the war with Great Britian
Who sewed flags and banners during the Revolutionary War?
Who is Betsy Ross
Who came to the aid of the French in the French and Indian War? the British/The Colonists/The Native Americans/The Loyalists/
Who were the Native Americans
What marked the conclusion of the Revolutionary War? the surrender at Trenton/The Declaration of Independence/The Treaty of Paris in 1783/The Proclamation of 1763
What is the Treaty of Paris 1783
How were the Americans able to defeat Great Britian, one of the world's most powerful countries?
What is Distance/Belief in a cause/Native American fighting style/The french also came to aid the Colonists/All of these are acceptable answers
Which of the following was NOT a cause of the Declareation of Independence? The Stamp Act/The Intolerable Acts/The Boston Massacre/The Stamp Act Congress
What is The Stamp Act Congress
Which of the following was killed in the Boston Massacre?Sarah Goddard/ Francis Marion/ Sam Adams/ Crispus Attucks/
Who is Crispus Attucks
Which of the following was the Continetal Army's LOWEST point during the war? the loss at Bunker Hill/the winter at Valley Forge/the raid at Trenton/the capture at Vincennes/
What is the winter at Valley Forge
Who surredered his troops to Washington at Yorktown in 1781? The Swamp Fox/ Charles Cornwallis/ King George III/ George Rogers Clark
Who was George Cornwallis
How did the views of the British government and the Colonists differ about taxes in the colonies?
Great Britian thought that the Americans should pay a greater share/The colonists thought they paid for the war with their blood and did not have to pay taxes/The Americans resisted new British laws/ Stamp and Sugar Acts. All of these answers are acceptable answers
DAILY DOUBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What are the Three Branches of Government?
What are the Executive/Legislative and Judicial