Where is Fort McHenry located?
What battle happened after the Treaty of Ghent was signed?
The battle of New Orleans
this president asked congress to declare war with Britain
James Madison
What region wanted to go to war to expand the nation westward
The West
What national symbols came out of the War of 1812?
1. White House
2. Star-Spangled Banner/National Anthem
Define Impressment
the action to force people join the Navy
What did Dolley Madison save from the Executive Mansion when the British burned Washington?
1. Important documents like the DOI 2. The portrait of George Washington that still hangs in the White House today
why is Francis Scott Key important?
The wrote the Star Spangled Banner
The American economy was failing prior to the war of 1812 because of _______
The embargo act
What happened to the American military after the war?
The military was strengthened and America realized they needed a standing army.
What two territories did America hope to gain through the War of 1812?
Canada and Spanish Florida
What was the difference between the Battle of Baltimore and the Burning of Washington that allowed for the Americans to come away with a victory?
Baltimore and Fort McHenry were prepared- they had been preparing since 1813
Why were the WarHawks so eager to go to war with Britain. (3 reasons)
1.They wanted New lands
2. they forgot how tough war was
3.They didn't make any money in shipping
List 3 drawback of going to war with Britain.
1.America’s military was small
2. The American government could not finance the war
3.America could loose there independence
America had ____________ prior to the War of 1812 but could have been lost it if they had lost the war to Britain.
American citizens no longer hailed from individual states but were more likely to call themselves ‘Americans’. This is an explain of...
Nationalism/National Pride
why did Americans Burn York in the Battle of York
The British burned Washington in retaliation for the American’s burning Parliament buildings in Canada at the Battle of York
The battle of New Orleans created a hero. Who was this hero?
Andrew Jackson ("old hickory")
Why was the northeast opposed to go to war with Britain
1. They did most of their trading with Britain
2. They knew the government could not finance a war
3. They feared they could not successfully challenge British supremacy.
Why did the Federalist party die after the War of 1812?
They were seen as unpatriotic for not supporting the war and for wanted to secede from the union.
Where was most of the fighting located during the war of 1812?
The Great Lakes Region
Why was the defeat of Napoleon important for the British war effort?
The defeat of Napoleon allowed Britain to focus their war efforts (resources) on their war with America.
What group of people were encouraged by Britain to fight America?
The Native Americans
List 4 benefits of going to war with Britain?
1. Reopening of Trade
2. Creating National Pride
3. Stop Impressment
4. Expand territory
5. Secure Independence
How did the economy change after the War of 1812?
Overall trade increased and manufacturing was stimulated