The Water Cycle

Rain, Snow, Sleet and hail that falls to the ground is call.........



What happens when molecules lose energy?

When liquid water loses thermal energy, it undergoes freezing : changing state from a liquid to a solid. We see many examples of this in everyday life. Puddles, ponds, lakes, and even parts of oceans freeze when the water becomes cold enough. At low temperatures, Earth's surface water freezes and forms solid ice.


What is gravity?

Gravity is the force of attraction between two objects. It is what makes things fall and what keeps us from floating off into space. Gravity is a fundamental force of nature.


What is energy?

The simplest definition of energy is "the ability to do work". Energy is how things change and move. It's everywhere around us and takes all sorts of forms. It takes energy to cook food, to drive to school, and to jump in the air.


Name two sources of water that evaporate into the atmosphere.

Sources of water that evaporate into the atmosphere include: water sources; plants; soil; animals


The  change from a gas to a liquid is called......



What happens when molecules gain energy?

During evaporation, molecules gain enough thermal energy to escape from the liquid surface into the air as water vapor. Water-vapor molecules spread out, breaking completely free of each other, and then disperse or spread out among the other gas molecules in the air.


Briefly, explain how gravity influences runoff.

The force of gravity pulls matter (ex. water) down from higher to lower elevations.


List three types of energy

Energy comes in six basic forms: chemical, electrical, radiant, mechanical, thermal and nuclear. In other research, you may find additional forms mentioned such as electrochemical, sound, electromagnetic and others.


How do clouds form?

  • When water vapor in the air loses heat or thermal energy to the atmosphere, the gas loses energy and changes its state to a liquid through a process called condensation. These tiny liquid water droplets are what form clouds.


The process by which sediment is laid down in new locations is called.........



How can the water molecules you drink today be millions of years old?

  • Water molecules today have been continuously cycling on Earth for millions of years. The same processes of evaporation, precipitation, and condensation that are happening today have been happening for millions of years


The water cycle is driven by gravity and energy from what source?

The sun


How does gravity play a role in moving water in the water cycle?

  • Gravity pulls rain and snow down to Earth from the atmosphere through a process called precipitation. Gravity also pulls water from elevated areas such as mountains and hills down into lakes, oceans, and water reservoirs.


Evaporation of water from the leaves of a plant is called.........



How does Sun energy play a role in the water cycle?

The Sun’s energy evaporates water into the atmosphere from all types of sources, including bodies of water, plants, and animals. This water eventually falls back to Earth and moves along Earth’s surface until it is evaporated again by the Sun. The energy from the Sun is a driving force that gets the water cycling in and out of the atmosphere


The process by which a solid turns directly into a gas is called.......



Draw a sketch of the water cycle. Include at least three steps and label them.