Water in its gas form.
What is water vapor?
How much of the Earth's surface is covered in water?
What is 70%
Clouds form when ________________ takes place.
When the water vapor changes to a liquid it is called __________.
What is FALSE?
Infiltration, Precipitation, Run-off, or Evaporation-This does NOT use gravity as an energy source.
What is evaporation?
Evaporation,condensation,and precipitation are all parts of the __________.
What is water cycle
True or False: The water cycle has a beginning and end.
What is false
What does heat from the sun cause liquid water to do?
What is evaporation
When water droplets combine, they become this, causing it to rain.
What is too heavy.
The sun evaporates the water into water vapor.
Water soaking into the ground recharging aquifers.
What is Infiltration?
When water runs off Earth's surface, it collects in __________, __________, and ________.
lakes, rivers, and oceans.
Water that falls from clouds to Earth's surface
What is precipitation
What is the change in state of matter from a liquid to a gas or vapor?
What happened to the water the dinosaurs drank and swam in?
Two energy sources that drive the water cycle.
What is the Sun and Gravity?
What is the term used when water vapor is released from the leaves of plants?
What is transpiration.
When water evaporates it goes through this state change.
What is a liquid to a gas?
What is an underground water collection site called?
What is an Aquifer
These two things in the water cycle may occur AFTER precipitation.
What are run-off and infiltration?
These parts of the water cycle do NOT use the Sun as an energy source.
What are Precipitation, Run-off, and Infiltration.
How does the sun's energy contribute to the water cycle?
The sun is the source of heat that makes water evaporate.
Frozen water changes into water vapor when heated, skipping the liquid phase.
What is sublimation?