Institutional Racism
Individual Racism
General "isms"
A system of advantage based on race and supported by institutional structures, policies, and practices that create and sustain advantages for the dominant white group while systematically subordinating members of marginalized racial groups. This relative advantage for whites and the subordination for people of color is supported by the actions of individuals, cultural norms, and values and the institutional structures and practices of society. (Adams, Bell and Griffin, 2007)
What is racism?
The network of institutional structures, policies, and practices that create advantages and benefits for whites and discrimination, oppression, and disadvantage for people of marginalized racial groups. The advantages created for whites are often invisible to them or are considered "rights" available to everyone, as opposed to "privileges" awarded to only some individuals and groups. (Adams et. al., 2007)
What is institutional racism?
The things in a society that govern the way it works and operates. They are the "gears" that keep a society functioning. They enforce and uphold the rules and norms of a society.
What are institutions?
The beliefs, attitudes, and actions of individuals that support or perpetuate racism. This can occur at both unconscious and conscious levels, and can be both active and passive. Examples include telling racist jokes, using a racial epithet, or believing in the inherent superiority of whites. (Adams et. al., 2007)
What is individual racism?
An "_______" is a word used to describe a certain system of oppression that is based on a specific social identity including race, class, gender, sexuality, etc.
What is an "ism"?
Calling someone a racial slur is an example of ___________.
What is conscious racism?
Slavery and Jim Crow laws are obvious examples of institutional racism perpetuated by the ___________________?
What is the U.S. Government?
Government, Education, Religion, Media, Judicial Systems
What are 5 examples of societal institutions?
Expecting a Latina to be good at dancing Salsa is an example of _____________ individual racism. Making a joke about how Asians are terrible drivers or have funny accents is an example of _______________ individual racism.
What is unconscious and conscious?
Racism, sexism, heterosexism/homophobia, classism, ageism
What are 5 different "isms"?
Assuming that a student of color is better at sports than school is an example of ______________.
What is unconscious racism?
In today's society, people of color are disproportionately overrepresented in prison and jail populations, while they are simultaneously underrepresented on college campuses.
What is an example of modern day institutional racism?
In Arizona, the state legislature passed a law called SB1070 that allowed police officers and other law enforcement officials to stop anyone who they "suspected" to be an undocumented immigrant and ask for proof of citizenship. This essentially legalized "racial profiling" and is an example of how ____________________.
Institutions work together to support institutional racism
All people, regardless of their status or position in society, are capable of ___________________ because it is based on personal beliefs, behaviors, and preferences. However only those in the dominant white racial group are capable of practicing ________________ because it is based upon a system of power and dominance that is upheld by institutional structures and policies that directly and indirectly disadvantage and discriminate against people of color.
What is prejudice and racism?
The overturning of "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" and declaring the Defense of Marriage Act unconstitutional, are examples of how current laws or policy challenge __________________.
What is heterosexism/homophobia?