Textual Evidence
Matters left Uncertian
example of all
What is textual evidence?
Textual evidence is used to support an argument from the text.
What is inference?
A conclusion reached based on text.
What is Explicit?
Something that is clearly stated in the text.
What is matters left uncertain?
something in the text that leaves you feeling unsure because it was not fully explained.
Daisy was skipping down the side walk singing a song as she was on her way home from school. What can you infer about Daisy?
Daisy had a good day at school/She was happy/Excited to go home.
The girl walked down the street with her head hanging down she had just lost her first soccer game. Provide textual evidence as to why she is feeling that way.
The girl is sad. She feels that way because "she had just lost her first soccer game."
Sally arrives at home at 4:30 and knows that her mother does not get off of work until 5. Sally also sees that the lights are off in their house. What can Sally infer?
Sally can infer that her mother is not yet home.
How does the bride feel? The bride felt stunning as she walked down the aisle in her beautiful shimmering white dress.
The bride feels beautiful.
Lauren was getting ready for school and she realized her hairbrush was missing. She looked everywhere for it but couldn't find it. What might have happened to her brush?
She miss placed it/Left it in her book bag
Anastasia sat by the fountain in the park with her head in her palms. She was weeping mournfully and wearing all black. In between gasps and sobs, Anastasia cried out a name: “Oh... John…” And then her cell phone beeped. Her hand ran into her purse and her heart fluttered. The text message was from John. She opened up the message and read the few bare words, “I need to get my jacket back from you.” Anastasia threw her head into her arms and continued sobbing. Why do you think Anastasia was crying about John?
Anastasia was crying because her and John had just broke up and she was upset about it.
Once upon a time, dogs used to bury their bones to help keep them safe from other animals. Even though most dogs have plenty of food to eat today, their instincts still tell them to bury their bones and favorite toys. Based on the passage above, why do dogs today still hide their bones and toys?
The dogs want to hide there bones from other animals because their instincts tell them to.
The new girl at school didn't talk to anyone all day. When the teacher called on her she looked down at her desk. I don't think she made any friends on her first day. From this I can guess that the new girl is probably_____.
You can guess that the girl is shy.
Every time Joey is near his dog his eyes get red , itchy and he sneezes a lot. Joey went to the doctor and found out that Joey is allergic to his dog. Why is Joey always sneezing around his dog?
Joey is allergic to his dog.
Cindy was sleeping and all of a sudden she heard a car alarm go off. She thought nothing of it and went back to sleep. When Cindy woke up the next morning and walked outside to go to work her car was gone. What do you think happened to Car?
Cindy's car was stolen.
Molly had left her laptop charging in the kitchen. When she woke up it wasn't in the same place she left it. What might have happened?
One of Molly's family members moved it/ She had forgot where she had put it to begin with.
John was a Nascar driver and he had just one his first race. He climbed out of the window of his car and threw his fist up into the air. John was so happy he began to cry. He would never forget the moment he won his very first race. Provide textual evidence explaining why John was so happy.
John was happy because "He had just one his very first race."
Shanay had never seen so many fish before. She looked around at the huge tanks and could see hundreds of fish, crabs, shrimp, and all other amazing creatures completely surrounding her. She never thought she could feel like she was completely underwater, yet still be completely dry. Where is Shanay?
Shanay is at the aquarium.
It was finally graduation day. Sally was super excited to finally start her life and be a grown up. She could not stop smiling that day because she was so proud of all her goals she had accomplished up to that moment. Sally feels nothing could bring her down. How does Sally feel on her graduation day?
Sally feels excited,happy,and as if she has accomplished all her goals up to that moment.

Jade's family just got back from being on vacation. When they walked in the door they noticed some things were missing. What might of happened to their stuff?

Jade's family got robbed.

Kali's dog had just passed away. Her dog was her best friend. She was very upset and cried for weeks. She felt as if her heart ripped in half. How is Kali feeling?
Kali is very upset and missed her dog.
Bob went to see a football game with his dad. They had been looking forward to this game for months. Their favorite team was playing. There team ended up losing. Bob was so upset. Using textual evidence explain why Bob was upset.
Bob was upset because "There favorite team ended up losing."
"William, don't forget your towel!" Mom shouted as she applied sunblock on the baby. William threw the folding chairs in the back of the minivan and shouted through the garage door, "OK Mom!" He then ran up and grabbed his towel. Where are William and his mom going?
William and his mom are going to the beach or to the pool.
Haley had just been told that she qualified for the Olympics. She had trained her whole life for this moment and now it is happening. She was so excited and began training a lot more now that she would be competing against lots of runners that would be just as good as her. What is directly stated about Haley in the passage?
Haley qualified for the olympics/ She is excited about competing/ She is a hard worker and has trained a lot.
Tommy was in line to ride his first roller coaster. He was nervous. By the time it was his turn the roller coaster was no longer running. What might have happened?
The people running the roller coaster went on lunch break/ the roller coaster stopped working.
Robin was so excited that Christmas was tomorrow. All he wanted was to shake his presents to see if he could guess what was in it. His mother said that he could not shake them. Infer why the mother didn't want him shaking his presents.
Robins presents were fragile and could break.