What happened to the witches in the beginning of the chapter?
The witches are turning into mice
List some of the modifications Grandmamma makes to make life easier for the author. (list at least two)
Mini ladders for climbing up furniture
Gadgets to open the doors
Device for switching on lights
A toothbrush
What is gjetost?
Norwegian goats'-milk cheese
Risk it
Describe the chaos in the dining room (two or more reactions)
The women were screaming, Men were shouting to leave, Hotel staff were attacking the mice with chairs, wine bottles, frying pans and knives
For how long does an ordinary mouse live?
Three years
What have the author and his grandmother achieved through their adventure? Mention two things in your answer.
1. Saved the children of England. 2. Got rid of all of the witches of England.
Some observers are finding the scene funny. Who?
For how long does she expect the mouse-person to live?
Nine years
When Grandmamma called the Chief of Police in Bournemouth, who did she say she was?
The Chief of Police of Norway.
Risk it
What does Grandmamma do with Bruno?
return him to Mr. Jenkins
He doesn't want to outlive Grandmamma
What information did Grandmamma get from the Bournemouth policeman?
The Grand High Witch's name and address.
Risk it
Where are grandmamma and her grand-son going?
At what rate does the heart of a mouse beat?
What will the author and his grandmother do when the witch problem in Norway is solved?
Travel around the world destroying witches.