Evidence 1-5 for the reliability of the Bible
Evidence 6-10 for the reliability of the Bible
We Believe this about the Bible
God's Purpose in writing the Bible
Scripture interprets Scripture
This person declared, that not one comma of the Word would be destroyed until every word of it was fulfilled.
Who was Jesus?
This book is the best selling book of all history, with over 5 billion copies in existence.
What is the Bible?
If we want to figure out what a passage of the Word means, we should go to this resource.
What is other passages of the Word?
After man continued to move further and further from God, He began to inspire men to write the Bible for this purpose.
What is to reveal His love (through Christ) and plan for our eternal life
2 Peter 1:21 tells us that the Word of God is this term.
What is inspired?
These people were willing to die to protect the Word of God during the Roman persecution.
Who were the apostles/disciples?
This result of the prophecies concerning Jesus' birth help support the belief that only God could have inspired the author to write them down.
What is they came true?
We believe that this part of the Word should be considered to be totally true, or inerrant (without error).
What is every word?
God had men write the Bible so that we would understand the agreement or promises between Him and us. We call this contract by this term.
What is a Covenant?
2 Timothy 3:16 tells us the Bible can do this for men's lives.
What is change them.
Because its lessons are just as meaningful in today's world as it was thousands of years ago, we say the Bible has this quality.
What is timelessness?
Of all fragile ancient books that still exist, the Bible stands out in this way.
What is there are more copies and older copies of it than any other?
We believe that this person is the true author of the Word.
What is God through the Holy Spirit?
God wrote prophecies in the Bible so that when they came true we would understand that the Bible never fails to be true in all it says. The term for that is this word.
What is infallible?
1 John 5:11 shows that the Word is based on this kind of promise.
What is a covenant?
Because the Word has the ability to change the hearts and lives of people, we say it has this quality.
What is alive and active?
These three facts about how the Bible was written help to support the idea that it is the true inspired Word of God.
What is the fact that there are 66 books, 40 authors, over 1500 years but it is only one story ?
We believe that we can believe the teachings of Bible-based churches because God says the Word is "profitable" for this.
What is doctrine?
God wrote many stories in the Bible to show us that He and He alone has the final word in any matter. This term expresses that idea.
What is authoritative?
Matthew 5:18 demonstrates that God's Word has this quality.
What is authoritative?
All of the enemies of the Word have been unable to destroy it in spite of great persecutions. This is the only explanation for that.
What is God's protection?
These scrolls are the most recent "find" of copies of ancient manuscripts of the Bible.
What are the Dead Sea Scrolls?
We believe that it is wise to use the Bible to plan our lives because God says it is "profitable for this.
What is "profitable for...reproof, correction, and instruction in righteousness"?
God wrote the Bible to reveal Himself, His promises, and the path we need to follow in order to be in relationship with Him. Our response should be two-fold.
What is study and obey?
Hebrews 4:12 says the Word is these two things, as demonstrated that Jesus is the Word.
What is alive and active?