Big World
Do The Math
Weird Science
Mount Everest, on the China-Nepal border, is the highest mountain in the world. At 29,035 feet high, it’s quite a climb. The second highest mountain* is a mere 28,250 feet high. What is its name?
pg 92 K2 (Kashmir)
Abraham Lincoln* was born on February 12, 1809. How many years old was he when the Civil War* began in April of his first year as president?
1861-1809= 52 years pg120 or 268
What well-known filmmaker and explorer made news* in 2012 when he traveled to the bottom of the *Pacific Ocean*?
pg 6 James Cameron
The colossal squid can weigh more than 200 pounds and has the biggest eyes of any animal* in the world. In what ocean does is live?
pg 22 Southern Ocean
Quiet down! Court is now in session The U.S. Supreme Court* is the highest court in the land. The Chief Justice presides over the meetings with the eight other justices on the Court. In the Court’s 2011-2012 term, who was the Chief Justice?
John Roberts pg 261
Ice hockey is very popular in Canada*. It’s the national winter sport. But what is Canada’s national summer sport?
pg 156 Lacrosse
Game Boy, the Nintendo handheld video game*, was a big hit when it burst on the scene years ago. How many years did it last before it was discontinued in 2003?
2003-1989=14 years pg 91
What president* kept a pet* alligator in the White House?
pg 274 John Quincy Adams
The kakapo is a rare kind of parrot from New Zealand. It sleeps by day and walks around by night, but it cannot fly. Kakapos are an *endangered species*. About how many of them are left in the wild?
100 pg 30
If you’re interested in dinosaurs*, you might want to visit a small town in Colorado*. It has streets with names such as Brontosaurus Boulevard and Triceratops Terrace. What is the name of the town?
Dinosaur pg 293
If you took a trip from the United States across the Atlantic Ocean to Europe* at 40 degrees north latitude*, what country in Europe would you reach first? Take a look at the map of Europe for help.
Portugal pg 146
It can be hard to fathom some of the conversions of *weights and measures*. For example, a neighbor says her swimming pool is 2 fathoms in depth. Can you stand in her pool without being underwater? How many feet deep is her pool?
6*2=12feet pg 316
Disguised as a man, this woman joined a Michigan* regiment during the *Civil War* and became a spy for the Union. She later wrote a book about her exploits. What was her full name?
pg 299 Sarah Emma Edmonds
A bolt of lightning* is obviously very hot, but just how hot can it be? Give the answer in degrees Fahrenheit.
55,000 degrees Fahrenheit pg 312
In Greek mythology*, Artemis was the goddess of the Moon and the hunt. Her Roman name was Diana. What was the Roman name of her father?
Jupiter pg 136
Looking for a great vacation spot that has plenty of wide open spaces? Try this country. It has a population* of more than 22 million people, but it’s still the third most sparsely populated nation in the world. What country is it?
Australia pg 182
In the next few decades, the population*, is expected to fall in Europe but increase in other parts of the world. If current estimates are right, how many more people will be living in Asia* in 2050 than lived there in 2012?
5,206-4,223=983 pg183
The Fourth of July isn’t always a day for celebration. Former U.S. *President James Monroe* died on July 4th, 1831. Two other former presidents died on the same day, exactly five years earlier. Name them.
pg 266 Thomas Jefferson, John Adams
My Very Excellent Mother Just Sent Us Nachos. That silly sentence can help you remember the names of the planets* in order of their distance from the Sun. Excellent is for Earth, of course. But which of those words represents the coldest plant?
Nachos Neptune pg 207
Hurricanes* were named after women, starting in 1953. Men’s names were added in 1979. What will be the first three men’s names used for hurricanes in the Atlantic in 2013? (Hint: Every second name is a man’s).
Barry, Dorian, Fernand pg 69
Many of the world’s nations* have interesting flags*. What country has a flag that shows a rising sun, blue and white waves, and a yellow bird in flight?
pg 163 Kiribati
Greenland* is the biggest island in the world and is a self-governing territory of Denmark*. To the nearest whole number, or integer, how many times bigger than Denmark is Greenland?
pg 92 Greenland 840,000 sq. mi. pg 158 Denmark 16,639 sq. mi. 840,000/16,639 50 times bigger
Who was the first woman* in modern times to be elected as the leader of a country in Africa*?
Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf pg 321
A tornado is a fast-moving column of air that usually forms in or near a thunderstorm. No one can predict exactly what path it will take. Tornadoes* are often measured by the Enhanced Fujita Scale. What is the wind speed in miles per hour of a tornado rated as EF4 on that scale?
166-200 mph pg 70
The Fourth of July is a big holiday* in the United States. Americans aren’t the only people who celebrate their independence in that month. People in two other countries celebrate holidays similar to *Independence Day* on July1 and July 14, respectively. Which countries are they?
Canada and France pg 60