Christopher Columbus
Colombian Exchange
Scientific Revolution
The Americas

Christopher Columbus was from what present day country?  



Define Colombian Exchange. 

the widespread transfer of plants, animals, culture, human populations, technology, and ideas between the Americas, Europe, and Africa in the 15th and 16th centuries, related to European colonization and trade following Christopher Columbus's 1492 voyage to the Americas  

During the Scientific Revolution, scientists began to use this rather than relaying on the Roman Catholic Church for answers.  



Where did the Enlightenment period begin?  

Western Europe 


Name one weapon used by Spanish conquistadors to take over the peoples of the Americas.  

horses, biological warfare (smallpox), guns, cannons, religious beliefs, allies


Christopher Columbus sailed for what country?  



Name one item transferred from Europe to the Americas. 

-barley, rye, wheat, sugar, bananas, yams, citrus fruit, coffee, rice, and sugarcane.
-Enslaved Africans
-cattle, sheep, goats, pigs, and horses.
- measles, smallpox, mumps, whooping cough, influenza, chicken pox, and typhus.



Newton is known for an apple falling on his head.  What is the importance of this event?  

He was able to study gravity. 


Name one important belief of the Enlightenment Period.  

People are born with natural rights, people should use reason when making decisions, people have a contract with their government


What continent did Columbus hope to reach by taking an all water route west from Spain? 


What continent did Christopher Columbus wish to reach by sailing west?



Name one item transferred from the Americas to Europe.  

-maize (a type of corn), potatoes and sweet potatoes, beans and squashes, tomatoes, avocados, papaya, pineapples, peanuts, chili peppers, and cacao (the raw form of cocoa).


Define heliocentric.

Belief that the sun is the center of the universe.


What was one belief of John Locke?  

people are born with natural rights


What person and his small band of conquistadors was able to take over the Aztecs?  



Where did Christopher Columbus land on his first voyage?  

The Bahamas


Name one crop from Asia that was spread to Europe and later to the Americas.  

sugar, bananas, yams, citrus fruit, coffee, rice, and sugarcane


Define geocentric. 

the belief that the earth is the center of the universe


Montesquieu believed government should be divided into how many branches of government?  


What is the name of the Aztecs' floating gardens? 



What material did Christopher Columbus demand of the native people of the Bahamas and Hispaniola or he would cut off their hands?  



Name one way in which the people of Asia, Africa, the Americas, or Europe changed after the Colombian Exchange. 

-gold and silver from the Americas changed European economies. Goods from Africa and Asia, such as gold and spices, also changed life in Europe. Europeans established colonies in the Americas. Europeans also acquired new knowledge. For example, they learned farming techniques from Native Americans that helped them survive in the Americas.

-In Africa, the slave trade had an enormous impact on Africa, especially in West Africa. Slavery forever changed the lives of millions of enslaved Africans who were taken to the Americas. It also affected the lives of other Africans. Tribal wars erupted as chiefs sought captives to sell as slaves. Europeans interfered in African political affairs as they supported one chief over another in the hope of getting slaves.
Some Africans became Christians. Some also learned Portuguese. Europeans would have a much larger effect on African life when they established huge colonies in Africa in the 1800s and 1900s.

-In Asia, contact with Europeans led to the spread of the Christian religion. European missionaries made converts in India, China, Japan, the East Indies, and the Philippines. In Indonesia, Islam also spread as Muslims competed with the Portuguese for control of trade.
As you have learned, some Japanese and Chinese adopted Christianity. Warfare in Japan changed as the Japanese learned about guns from Europeans. Europeans also imported new goods into Japan, including tobacco. The Chinese learned about new scientific instruments from European missionaries. Some European books were published in Chinese, especially scientific books.



Which institution became angry with scientists due to their beliefs and excommunicated many such as Galileo?  

The Roman Catholic Church 

Thomas Hobbes is a Enlightened thinker.  What was his belief about humans?

Hobbes believed humans were evil and needed to be controlled by a strong leader.  


Name two present day countries that were once apart of the Incan Empire.  

Peru, Ecuador, Bolivia, Argentina, Chile, and Colombia