The number of people on social network sites is _________ every year
going up
Where is Mandarin spoken?
in China
talk very quietly so other people can't hear
English is flexible so we _______ adding new words to the language.
keep on
________ is an announcement online, in a newspaper, on television, or on a poster about something such as a product, event, or job.
An advert
I don't want to _________, but I'm very good at repairing computers.
I speak German so when I went to Berlin I was able to __________.
get by
Someone who speaks that language as their first language
native speaker
Make a sentence
If/you post an update/I definitely/ read it
If you post an update, I will definitely read it
His first novel was _________ a television film.
turned into
belonging or connected to a country that is not your own.
If/they practise a lot/ be able to win
If they practise a lot, they will be able to win
Does anyone know when social networks started ______________?
coming into use
easy to see, recognize, or understand
We can use might/may, and be able to instead of _______