The story of Ratatouille takes place in this iconic European city, where Remy follows his passion for cooking.
What is Paris?
First released in 1996, this handheld game series challenges you to collect creatures (like Pikachu) and compete against other trainers.
What is Pokémon?
When measured on this popular temperature scale, water boils at 212 degrees at sea level.
What is Fahrenheit?
This bright red soup, made with beets, is a staple in Russian and Eastern European cuisine.
What is borscht?
This flightless bird from Antarctica is known for its tuxedo-like appearance and waddling walk.
What is a penguin?
In Ratatouille, Remy teams up with this shy garbage boy, helping him become a chef by controlling his movements under his hat.
Who is Linguini?
In this classic 1980 arcade game, a hungry yellow character munches dots while avoiding ghosts.
What is Pac-Man?
A reflex that forcibly expels air from the nose and mouth to clear irritants from the nasal passages.
What is a sneeze?
These small, round dumplings are typically stuffed with minced meat and served with sour cream.
What are pelmeni?
The largest mammal on Earth, this ocean giant can grow over 100 feet long and weigh nearly 200 tons.
What is the blue whale?
Gru attempts to steal the shrink ray from this villain wearing an orange tracksuit in the first Despicable Me film.
Who is Vector?
This puzzle game, originally from Russia, features falling shapes that players must stack to clear lines.
What is Tetris?
This scientist’s famous equation, E = mc², is a key part of the theory of relativity.
Who is Albert Einstein?
These thin Russian pancakes can be topped with butter, jam, sour cream, or even caviar.
What are blini?
Known for its rapid wingbeats, this tiny bird can fly backward and migrate over long distances despite its size.
What is the hummingbird?
In Soul, these cosmic beings—all sharing a common name—guide new souls in the Great Before.
Who are the Jerrys?
This spiky-shelled villain, often called “King Koopa,” is Mario’s main nemesis.
Who is Bowser?
On Earth, the outermost solid layer, where we live and build our homes, is known by this term.
What is the crust?
Commonly called the “Russian salad,” this blend of diced potatoes, carrots, peas, and mayonnaise was first invented by a Belgian chef in Moscow.
What is Olivier salad?
Found in sub-Saharan Africa, this mighty mammal spends much of its day in water and has a name that means “river horse” in Greek.
What is the hippopotamus?
In Luca, she is the energetic and determined local girl who teams up with Luca and Alberto for the Portorosso Cup race.
Who is Giulia?
In Super Mario World, when Mario grabs this object, he gains a cape, allowing him to fly and glide.
What is a feather?
This is the process by which green plants create their own food using sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide.
What is photosynthesis?
This layered salad features pickled herring beneath layers of beetroot and other vegetables.
What is “Herring Under a Fur Coat” or “Seledka pod shuboi”?
This intelligent, eight-armed cephalopod is famous for its ability to change color and escape enclosures.
What is the octopus?