Clearing of the forests in the North to make land for farming.
What is deforestation?
Industrial Revolution
What is the shift from making things by hand to making things by machine?
National Road
In 1806, what did Congress fund the construction of across the Appalachian Mountains- connecting East and West?
How many days are there in Lent?
Some of the best agricultural land in the world.
What are the Central Plains?
Where did Lowell visit to see machines spin cotton into thread and weave thread into cloth?
River travel
African Americans
What group of people was free but not equal in the North?
What was the original meaning of the word “Lent”?
Thick forests of spruce and fir.
What covered the hillsides of the North?
Merrimack River, outside of Boston
Where was one of the first American textile factories built?
Where did the future of transportation in the North exist thanks to the development of the steam powered locomotive?
Four million of these people, mainly from Ireland and Germany, came to the United States between 1845 and 1860?
Ash Wednesday
What is the first day of Lent called?
What were the hundreds of bays and inlets along the jagged New England coast used for?
Young women
Whom did Lowell hire to work in factories to run the machinery?
How many miles of rails linked Northern factories and cities?
How much did the populations of New York, Philadelphia, and Boston increase between 1840 and 1860?
Shrove Tuesday, Fat Tuesday, or Mardi Gras
What do we call the day before Lent begins?
Variety of climates and natural features.
What did Northerners successfully adapt to in order to create industries and make a living?
Steam-powered engines
What were used to make goods more cheaply, shifting from skilled craftspeople to less-skilled laborers?
Erie Canal
What linked the Central Plains to East Coast cities?
Paved streets & sewers
What did parts of most cities lack in the North?
What color vestments does the priest wear during Lent?