Why were they not able to go outside?
What's the solution?
The kids learn to fly.
Who was the butterfly?
The girl
What were the problems in the book? (2)
Thunder, arguments between the girl and her brother for who would do their chores
Who was the bird?
The boy
What is the moral of the book?
Approaching a situation in calm ways can helps reslove them. Also to life each other up. In the book, the girl and her brother were fussing, then she learned to fly and they were able to reslove their problems.
How do you fly?
Close your eyes, lift you arms take a deep breath and believe in a thing.
Which Ontario Catholic Graduation Expection relates to the book?
A Reflective, Creative and Holistic thinker because the girl solved her problem by making respnsible decisions
Why did the girl and her brother fought and make silent promises?
They were fussing with each other over whose tearn it was to wash the windows, to feed the dog and to clean the kitchen.
Which Catholic Social Teaching relates to the book?
Call to Family, Community, and Participation. We think it is this teaching because the grandmother helps her family to resolve the problems between the girl and her brother.