18th Century
19th Century
Colonialism & Minstrelsy
Moscow Art Theatre
The period immediately after Charles II was restored to the throne is known as this.
What is the Restoration?
These are specific character types that an actor would play from the start of their career until their retirement (ex. leading roles, secondary roles, etc.)
What are lines of business?
This 19th century theatre form became so popular that it led to numerous technical innovations (elevator stages, revolving stages, moving panoramas, etc.)
What is Melodrama?
This form of popular entertainment in the 19th century featured white performers in blackface, stock character, skits, songs, dances, and dialect.
What are minstrel shows?
This is the symbol for the Moscow Art Theatre
What is a seagull?
These were roles in which women dressed as men.
What are breeches roles?
This playwright (who wrote The Rivals) was also a politician and a theatre manager.
Who was Richard Brinsley Sheridan?
Sturm und drang influenced this 19th century theatre form.
What is Romanticism?
This stock character from minstrel shows always appeared with a tambourine.
Who is Tambo?
This acting teacher was trained by Stanislavski. He set up schools in England and America and taught Marilyn Monroe, Clint Eastwood, Lloyd Bridges, and many more (he was also the nephew of Anton Chekhov).
Who is Michael Chekhov?
This type of Restoration drama was influenced by the works of Moliere, dealt with the upper class, prominently featured language, and made use of the double entendre.
What is Comedy of Manners?
This German theatre movement was a reaction against 18th century rationalism.
What is Sturm und drang?
These are some of the results of the Industrial Revolution (must name 2)
What are: populations shifted to cities, rise in pollution, workers' rights, modern media, etc.
This form of Indian drama became more formalized during the 17th century (in the midst of British colonialism)--its use of ritualized mudras (gestures for hands, eyes, face, feet, etc.) created language outsiders did not understand.
What is Kathakali?
These types of theaters were popular in Russia at the end of the 18th century (they were a way for the nobility to occupy their time).
What are serf theaters?
Catharine Trotter, Mary Pix, and Delariviere Manley were all part of a famous Restoration writing group known as this.
What is The Female Wits?
This scholar and artist was one of the first in France to argue against the Neoclassical ideal (he wrote drames)...he also wrote the first encyclopedia AND was the first to incorporate the concept of the 4th wall.
Who was Denis Diderot?
This 19th century German theatre company changed the way scenery was done (incorporating only realistic elements), created the first prop houses, and changed the way crowd scenes were done. They also influenced professional theatre in Germany, France, and Russia.
What are the Saxe-Meiningen Players?
Theatre was used as a tool of colonialism. In places like Freetown, this medieval play was used as a way of increasing followers to Christianity.
What is Everyman?
The expression that came into being during Chekhov's first play (Ivanov): if you have a pistol hanging on the wall in the first act, then it must fire in the last act.
What is "Chekhov's gun"?
This female playwright wrote in the "comedy of intrigue" style--her most famous work was The Rover.
Who was Aphra Behn?
Diderot's concept of the 4th wall led to innovations in scenic practices. Most noticeably, this type of set design we still see today.
What is the box set?
These were the 2 actors involved in the Astor Place Riots.
Who were Forrest and Macready?
This ancestral masquerade from South Africa is often referred to as a 'mystery play' because it details the history of a tribe starting at creation. The masquerade was centered around healing on a community level and changed during particularly difficult periods.
What is Gule wa Mkulu (Big Dance)?
This producer and playwright was Stanislavski's partner in the Moscow Art Theatre.
Who is Vladimir Nemirovich-Danchenko?