Ch 1
Ch 2
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Ch 5

The origins of theatre

What is myth and ritual?


This is worn over the face of all actors

What are masks


Give two examples of Roman variety entertainment.

Name one “luxury” of Roman Theatre Architecture.

Chariot Races, Theatrical Performances, Beast Hunts, Gladiator Combat, Executions

Covered roof, plumbing, cooling system


Why are most medieval artists anonymous?

God got all credit because he created everything


Who did Shakespeare defiantly NOT kill *wink*

Christopher Marlowe


What is the difference between a static and a dynamic society?

Static societies stick to the status quo and never surpass ritual while dynamic theater moves towards change and becomes theater.


The ideal spectator

Who is the Greek Chorus?

What is the Fundamental Purpose of Drama?

To teach and please


The first female dramatist

Who is Hrosvitha?


In 1642, what religious group caused Parliament the close down theaters?



 What started the Trojan War?  What finished it?

The Trojan war was started by the kidnapping of Helen of Sparta by Paris of Troy. It ended by Athena helping the Greeks build a large wooden horse and sneaking into Troy. At nightfall, the Greeks attacked Troy and ending the war.


What was the City of Dionysian Festival

Showcase Athenian wealth and culture

Commemoration of Dionysus

Home of theatre

a festival in spring


What are the six parts of every drama

plot, character, thought, diction, music, and spectacle


What is a Pageant Master?  Name at least two of their duties.

Modern day Stage Manager

Oversees construction of stage, scenery, machines, and￿ seating for audience

Casts and rehearses actors

Discipline actors with fines

Occasionally ACTS in shows

Hires “box office” workers

Addresses the audience before, during and after the show


 A group of educated men who wrote for the public stage in the 1580s

What is the University Wits?

***Bridged the gap between the learned and popular audiences

***Blended classical and medieval styles and established foundations that Shakespeare and his contemporaries would build upon


Story preformed every year in Ancient Egypt

What is Orsis?


Who is Thespis

Who is A

Daddy tragedy

Daddy Comedy


List 2 reasons Theatre “died” after Constantinople fell to the Turks in 1453.  Another way to think about this question?  List 2 ways in which Islamic faith made Theatre impossible.

Christians targeted theatre for its association with pagan gods and the obscenity of mimes

mimes and actors are banned

Humans could not “imitate” because Allah was the sole creator of life

– Acting becomes a mortal sin

Islamic art was only to be decorative


Describe Heaven, Hell, and Earth

● God and the Angels would be in the Heaven side of the stage.
● Heaven side of the stage would be decorated in cotton, to represent clouds.
● Earth would be in the middle in between Heaven and Hell
● Would be red
● Contained the “Hellmouth”
● Hellmouth=Large fire breathing monster that would spew out  demons/devils.


Name two things Queen Elizabeth I did to help theater

Crown gained control of Elizabethan Theatre

Brought order to Theatrical chaos

Banned all religious plays in 1559

Made local officials responsible for licensing all public  performances in their local area – Master of Revels gives patents out to do so

created legislation that distinguished legitimate actors from wandering vagabonds (vagrancy was made illegal) 


What are some major themes from AGAMEMNON?

Revenge, Justice, War, Fate and the Gods, Gender roles, ect.


Define Hubris and its relevance to Oedipus

Hubris is the presence of  arrogance and self righteousness

Name two of Seneca's Unique Tragedy Characteristics

1) Divided into 5 episodes separated by chorus 


2) Used elaborate speeches, soliloquies, asides 

and confidantes

3) Pithy proverbial generalizations about human 

condition to emphasize moral points

4) Preoccupation with magic, death and the 

human and superhuman worlds

5) Characters driven to doom by a single passion

6) Uses “sensational deeds” to illustrate evils of 


What is the HUGE difference between Liturgical Drama and Secular Drama? The abandonment of _________________ for the vernacular was one of the most important factors in popularizing secular drama, and separating it from liturgical.

Liturgical Drama is religious drama and Secular Drama is any none religious drama.



Name two duties of the Master of Revels

Created an all star theatre company to perform for the Queen and monopolize performing within the city of London = The Queen’s Men

Licensed ALL plays, playhouses, and all acting companies

Censored unsuitable or offensive material

Kept detailed written records of everything revolving around the plays of the time (we know a lot about the Elizabethan theatre from the accounts of the Master of Revels)  

Auditioned acting troupes and selected who would perform and which plays they would be allowed to produce (sometimes deleted lines, passages, or modified entire scenes)