Ancient Theater History
Renaissance Theater History
Technical Theater
Theater Styles
Modern Playwrights

This group of performers was often used in Greek theater to narrate and comment upon the action

What is the Chorus


The most popular playwrights of Renaissance England including Ben Johnson, Christopher Marlowe, and this more well known man.

Who is William Shakespeare?


Stages can usually be categorized as a thrust, round, blackbox, or this type of stage, which comes from the Greek word meaning "Picture Frame"

What is a Proscenium?

This man, often referred to as the father of modern acting techniques, got his start at the Moscow Art Theater.

Who is Konstantin Stanislavski?


This playwright wrote Death of a Salesman, which is just one example of the many allegorical plays he wrote about American life in the 1940's and 50's. 

Who is Arthur Miller?


This greek term, meaning "God from the Machine," means an easy narrative ending today. Back then it was a kind of crane that held the actors playing god aloft.

What is "Deus Ex Machina?"

Commedia Dell'Arte was an early improvised form of comedy that utilized stock character archetypes and masks, and originated in this country.

What is Italy?


This person on the technical crew takes over the show once performances have started and ensures the integrity of the show is mantained.

Who is the stage manager?


In the late 19th century, Henrik Ibsen and other playwrights gave birth to this term, used to describe a more natural style of drama that moved away from the presentational style of acting that had become common.

What is Realism?


This man is often referred to as the father of modern American drama, and best known for plays such as Long Day's Journey Into Night

Who is Eugene O'Neill?


Aeschylus was the father of tragedy, Aristophanes was the comedian, Sophocles was the most awarded at Dramatic festivals, and Euripides rebelled against the rules. Together they could be known as these.

What are Greek Playwrights?


Shakespeare's poetry and many of his plays were written using this structure, which contains 10 alternatively stressed and unstressed syllables.

What is Iambic Pentameter?


This is the union that enforces proper working conditions for stage actors. The one for stars of film and television is known as the Screen Actors Guild.

What is AEA or Actors Equity Association?


"Waiting for Godot" is one of the most well known examples of this style of theater that began in France and focused on the illogical nature of human existence.

What is Theater of the Absurd?


This pulitzer prize winning playwright is best known for the Pittsburgh Cycle, 10 plays that explore the black experience in America throughout the entire 20th century.

Who is August Wilson?

During the dark ages, most theater consisted of religious morality tales performed by roving troupes of actors that would travel in these.

What are pageant wagons?


Shakespeare's plays can be sorted into 3 main categories; comedies, tragedies, and these...

What are histories?


This is the term for a piece of scenery on stage that is painted to give the appearance of buildings or other backgrounds.

What is a flat?


Augusto Boal, a radical theater director from Brazil, created this style of interactive theater that was designed to help marginalized people to understand and exercise their power.

What is Theater of the Oppressed?

She was a British writer who rose to fame in the 1970's for her plays that gave voice to strong female characters and the feminist movement.

Who is Caryl Churchill?


Little work from the theater of Ancient Rome survives beyond the comedies of this pair.

Who are Terrence and Plautus


A short, physical bit or comedic routine performed by Commedia actors is also known as this.

What is a lazzi?


A large, transluscent curtain that allows some light through is called a scrim. One that reflects light is called this.

What is a cyc or cyclorama?

German director Bertolt Brecht created this style of theater, in which actors would break the fourth wall and treat the audience with hostility. It would later develop into the more modern Theater of Cruelty.

What is Epic Theater?


He wrote well known plays like, The Glass Menagerie and Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, which upon reevaluation are thought to focus on many aspects of the closeted, gay experience in early 20th century America. 

Who is Tennessee Williams?