early 20thc. Russia
1930s America
radical theater since the 1960s
theater heroes
When was the Russian Revolution?
What is 1917
What major event happened in the United States during the 1930s?
What is the Great Depression
In 1943, this theater company was formed to protest British colonial rule
What is Indian People's Theater Association
Name the theater movement founded by John Cage which featured experimental music and spontaneity
What is Fluxus
What is the name of the actor who is famous for embodying method acting. He played Stanley Kowalski in the film version of A Streetcar Named Desire.
What is Marlon Brando
Who led the Russian Revolution?
What is the Bolsheviks
Name the program developed in the 1930s by the federal government to create employment for out-of-work theater professionals.
What is Federal Theater Project
Who was the leader of the non-violent revolution in India that removed British colonial rule?
What is Mahatma Gandhi
Name the playwright who inspired The Living Theater (the people who ate dirt)
What is Antonin Artaud
What is the name of the playwright who wrote Dutchman (we watched the film version)?
What is Amiri Baraka
Name the acting troupes that were sent around Russia after the Revolution to teach the peasants about communism.
What is Blue Blouse Troupes
Why did Congress shut down the FTP in 1939?
What is fear the actors were spreading communist propaganda
Name the theater company founded by Bertolt Brecht in 1949 with the purpose of producing socialist, anti-capitalist, anti-military plays.
What is Berliner Ensemble
What is the name of the theater group (still in existence) that used(s) giant puppets to explore political themes?
What is Bread and Puppet Theater
Who developed the "system" for actors at the Moscow Art Theater in Russia. His techniques were brought to the United States by Stella Adler.
What is Konstantin Stanislavsky
What kind of plays were performed in the U.S. and Europe in the 1930s which the intention of stirring up worker rebellions?
Who was performing the "living newspapers" in rural America in the 1930s?
actors employed by the Federal Theater Project
What is the name of the Brazilian playwright and activist who created a form of theater that actively engaged spectators in the hopes of causing social change?
What is Augusto Boal
Name the kind of theater that has sprung up in reaction to globalization. It is designed to get people to think about what art is and what it is isn't.
What is performance art
Name one play written by Bertolt Brecht.
What is Mother Courage
Name the Soviet dictator who banned all forms of avant garde art and theater in the country because he felt that all art should be realistic.
What is Josef Stalin
What is the name of the theater group that was founded by Stella Adler and others in NYC in the 1930s after she studied with the Moscow Art Theater in Russia?
The Group Theater
What is the name of the book Boal published in 1974?
What is Theater of the Oppressed
Name this genre of alternative theater that combines sound, lighting, images and the spoken word to create dreamlike experiences for spectators.
What is Theater of Images
What is the name of the playwright who collaborated with actor Willem Dafoe and artist Marina Abramovic to create the performance The Life and Death of Marina Abramovic?
What is Robert Wilson