Restoration Drama
18th Century
19th Century

This play, written by William Wycherley, is known for its witty repartee, ambiguous morals, and its double entendre. 

What is The Country Wife?

Carlo Gozzi and Carlo Goldoni helped preserve this street theater form, although they had very different ideas of how to do so, the former advocated for more improvisation and fantasy, while the latter wanted a more scripted and structured version.

What is commedia dell'arte?


Victor Hugo, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, and Georg Büchner were well known as playwrights for this style of 19th century drama.

What is romanticism?


This "Father of modern Drama" also was known for his symbolist plays later in his career.

Who is Henrik Ibsen?


This character represents freedom from parental influence in Wedekind's The Awakening of Spring?

Who is Ilse?


This was a name for a certain type of character played by women often used for comedic purposes, but also was used to showcase female actresses' bodies.

What is a Breeches Role?


In the late 1700s, we begin to see experimentation in lighting with the addition of these.

What are colorful silkscreens?


This new form of drama emphasized careful cause-and-effect development and often revolved around a secret known to the audience but not to the characters.

What is the well-made play?


A 1905 production in the United States of this British playwright's realistic play Mrs. Warren’s Profession led to the arrest of the entire cast.

Who is George Bernard Shaw?


John Dryden's All for Love was a neoclassical take on this Shakespeare play.

What is Antony and Cleopatra?


This form of drama was popular between 1660 and 1675, dealt with extraordinary characters who undertook extraordinary deeds, and contained themes of love and honor reminiscent of the dramas of the Spanish golden age and the French neoclassical era.

What is Heroic Tragedy?


This She Stoops to Conquer playwright was an advocate of the laughing comedy--a form that would make fun of social conventions. 

Who is Sir Oliver Goldsmith?


He is considered one of the first modern directors because he rehearsed his actors with scenery and costumes for extensive periods of time, created intricately planned crowd scenes with paid actors, and produced historically accurate and practical settings.

Who is Georg II, duke of Saxe-Meiningen?


This was the name for theater practitioners who attempted to bridge realism and symbolism. 

What is the "eclectics"?


This English female playwright's work is known for its liberal discussion of sexuality and inspiration from Spanish and Italian forms of theater.

Who is Aphra Behn?


These were the main ways that scenic design was presented in the restoration period.

What are wings, shutters, and borders?


This German style of drama rejected dramatic rules, emphasized emotion, and had radical subject matter and substance.

What is sturm und drang (storm and stress)?


This is the German term AND English translation coined by Wagner, that contains his theory of unified staging.

What is gesamtkunstwerk or "masterwork/total work of art"?


This acting system trained the actor’s body to operate like a machine and to trigger internal responses through physical actions created by Meyerhold.

What is biomechanics?


In The Love Suicides at Amijima, the playwright critiques the rituals and dominance of this ruling class.

What is the samurai class?


This show by William Davenant is considered the "first English Opera" and was the first in England to feature female actresses.

What is The Siege of Rhodes?


This type of French theater avoided the legal monopolies by performing different types of theater shows, such as comic opera, pantomime, and melodrama.

What is a Boulevard theatre?


This was one of the first popular African-American actors, a leading Shakespearean actor who worked in Europe and England most of his life, due to racial prejudice.

Who is Ira Aldridge?


Modern stage design begins with these two men (and probably many women ignored by the historical record.)

Who are Adolphe Appia and Edward Gordon Craig?


This play represents a broader return to a stricter moral world in post-Restoration era British Theater.

What is The London Merchant?