A Matter of Character
It's Just a Stage
Putting it Together
A Manner of Speaking
Ways of Doing Things

The principal character around whom the action revolves

Who is the protagonist?


The most common type of stage. Audience is on ONE side.

What is a proscenium stage?


A tryout for a position in a play. We're having one on Monday!

What is an audition?


A group of singers and dancers in an ancient Greek play who take part in or talk about the things that are happening on stage; a group of singers and dancers in a modern play, musical show, etc.

What is a chorus?


A scene or play without words; the actors use only action and gesture to express their meaning.

What is pantomime?


The character who provides the obstacles to the main character's objective in a play

Who is the antagonist?


This type of stage has the audience on THREE sides.

What is a thrust stage?


Preparing a play for performance.

What is rehearsal?


A work written to be spoken by just one person. This may be full length, as in a one-man or one-woman show.

What is a monologue?


The art of evaluating or analyzing the play.

What is critique?


What a character wants. The most important thing an actor needs to know about his or her character. Also known as Motivation.

What is objective?


The audience is seated on ALL sides of the playing area in this type of stage.

What is the arena (in the round) stage?


The process of selecting which actors will play which characters.

What is casting?


The conversation spoken by the two or more actors during a play.

What is dialogue?


The imaginary wall through which the audience watches the action of the play.

What is the fourth wall?


Things a character does and says to achieve his or her objective

What are tactics?


Due to how actors have to position their bodies, this type of stage is the most unnatural on which to perform.

What is the proscenium stage?


The pattern of movement actors follow while on stage. As a verb, the act of giving actors this movement.

What is blocking?


An observation or remark made by a character directly to the audience that is not being heard by other actors.

What is an aside?


A technique in which a character acknowledges the audience and speaks directly to them.

What is "breaking the fourth wall"?


The point in a play where action meets obstacle; the opposition of persons, forces, or ideas that gives rise to dramatic action in a play.

No ________, no drama.

What is conflict?


The front part of the stage, in front of the curtain line.

What is the apron?


Rehearsal without scripts.

What is off-book?


A speech in which an actor, usually alone on stage, speaks his or her thoughts aloud. Similar to the “voice-over” in modern films.

What is a soliloquy?


Impromptu acting based on the following circumstances: who -the characters; what - the action; where - the place; and when - the time the action takes place

What is improvisation?