Culture of the Theatre
The Theatre
Acting Troupes
William Shakespeare

Reasons people went to the theatre

What is affordable, a good place to socialize, and relatability?

Famous theatre in the Elizabethan Era

What is the Globe Theatre


definition of troupes

what is a company, band, or group of singers, actors, or other performers, especially one that travels about 


William Shakesphere survived a pandemic during the Elizebethian era. What disease did he live through?

What is the Bubonic Plague/Black Death. 


Number of women that were in the plays performed



Places where plays were performed

What is courts and inn-yards

Tragic Event that taked place at the Globe Theatre

What is fire


most well known acting troupe of all time

what is Lord Chamberlain's men


Not only was William Shakesphere a famous playwright but he was also well known as being a ______. 

What is a businessman. 


Pay actors mainly received

What is Paid 10 shillings a week in London but only 5 in the country


Differences from modern theatres

What is no curtains, intermingling and talking with each other, and vendors would come and sell food and drinks during the show?


Public and Private Theatres in the Elizabethan Era

What is the Globe, the Fortune, the Red Bull, the Blackfriars, the Cockpit, and the Salisbury Court


The troupes that had the main conflict

What is the Admirals men and the lord chamberlains men


William Shakespeare was well known for his writing, however he was known to immensely struggle with ____ involving writing and language.  

What is Spelling.


Actor who filled mainly female roles and died at only 29

What is Alexander Gough


Topics that were discussed in plays

What is love and romance, magic, patriotism, exploration and travel, dirty jokes and fight scenes


Place where Actors playing ghosts or witches could rise or descend through this door built into the main stage. The cellarage underneath was referred to as "hell.

What is the trap door?

Leader of admirals men

what is edward alleyn


Shakesphere's play ______ was the first playwright to be done at The Globe Theatre.

What is Julius Ceasar. 


Famous actors during this period

What is Edward Alleyn,Richard Burbage, John Heminge, and William Rowley


Cultural impact of the Elizabethan Theatre

What is During the early part of the 16th century, there were two distinct types of theatre in England. One was represented by small groups of professional actors who performed in halls, inns, or marketplaces. The location of a play was established by the words and gestures of the actors. As in the commedia dell’arte, these localities had little significance. The second type of theatre, found in the London area, was made up of amateurs, usually university students, performing for the royal court and assorted gentry. The audience and the actors were educated, acquainted with the classics, and knowledgeable about theatre in other countries, particularly France. The stage was probably set with buildings made of laths, covered with painted canvas, with cloud borders masking the upper part of the acting area.


People who act on the theatre

What is actors


history of admirals men

What is Between 1576 and 1579 they were known as Lord Howard's Men after their patron Charles Howard, 1st Earl of Nottingham, 2nd Baron Howard of Effingham. In 1585, when Lord Howard became England's Lord High Admiral, the company changed its name to the Admiral's Men. The chief actor of the Admiral's Men was Edward Alleyn; their manager and effectively their employer until his death in 1616 was Philip Henslowe whose diary, covering the years 1592 to 1603, documents the Elizabethan theatre and its organization. Once considered the finest Elizabethan theatrical company, the Admiral's Men began to decline with the rise of the Chamberlain's Men and the subsequent retirement of Alleyn in 1603. By 1631 the company had disbanded.


Was William Shakespeare a furry?


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Most influential actor during the Elizabethan Period

Shawn Mendes