The Lively Art
Elizabethan Onward
Lighting & Sound
This is a mirror or reflection of life; an extension or projection of how we live, think, and feel; it reveals what people treasure and admire, or fear most deeply.
What is art?
Named for the power and ability of Marlowe's dramatic verse. The lyric quality of the iambic pentameter resonated strength, subtlety, and suppleness.
What is Christopher Marlow's "mighty line"?
This was a Russian actor and director who created method whereby actors could be trained to present realism and believability on stage.
Who is Konstantin Stanislavski?
Rehearsal at which all the design elements are brought together; does not necessarily have to include the actors.
What is the technical rehearsal?
A metal template that is put into a metal frame and inserted into a lighting fixture. It is used to create projected patterns of light such as trees, clouds, windows, words, etc.
What is a gobo?
A formal religious or sociall occasion, usually led by a designated authority figure such as a priest or chief.
What is a ceremony?
This was a method structure by which actors would be paid. The shareholders, or elite members, would divide a percentage of the profits, while the hirelings were contracted for specific periods and wages. Apprentices were unpaid interns.
What is the sharing paln?
This is a Asian discipline that uses gentle exercise regimens and is sometimes practiced in conjunction with meditation or other body-awareness activities.
What is Tai Chi
Rehearsal during which all design technicians work in conjunction with the stage manager to stop and start as many times as necessary to establish, set, and practice any element which changes during or helps to advance the show.
What is the cue-to-cue rehearsal?
This a type of fixture that projects only soft-edged beams of light and is characterized by its unique "stepped lens."
What is a Fresnel?
This is acting out of established, prescribed procedures. Examples include Thanksgiving, Catholic mass, or Yom Kippur.
What is a ritual?
These were elaborate entertainments presented at court written especially for the royal family that always presented them as the hero of the day. Most closely associated with the designs of Indigo Jones.
What is a masque?
This was Stanislavski's innovation to have the actors address the character's thoughts and emotions asking by whgat, why, and how is this character motivated? Asked the "magic if" question.
What is inner truth?
This is the rehearsal in which the cast goes through the entire text of the play in the order in which it will be performed but not yet in front of an audience.
What is the run-through rehearsal?
Some of its sttributes are the ability to pan, tilt, change intensity, shutter, and change or move color and patterns via a control signal called DMX.
What is automated lighting?
This stresses audience involvement by initiation or indoctrination; very prevalent in Avant Garde theatre movement of the 1960's.
What is participatory theatre?
This period was so named because the English monarchy was returned to the throne when Charles II replaced the Purintanical ruler Oliver Cromwell
What is the Restoration Period?
This is the part of the Stanislavski method that said the one driving question the actor needs to answer to have a believable character is "what, above all else, does the character want to attain through the course of the play?"
What is the super-ojective?
This is one technique a director has to rehearse a show by dividing up time into acting groups determined by entrances and exits of a different character rather than addressing the scene as a whole.
What is a French scene?
These are noises from everyday life that provide the background in a scene. Examples include traffic, wind, rain, crowd noise, etc.
What are environmental sound effects?
A list made up of the audience, the performers, the script, the director, the space, and design aspects.
What are the 6 major elements (of any theatrical experience)?
They were a multi-generational family of craftsmen and artists that weere expert in the Baroque-style of design for theatres. They introduced multi-point perspective backdrops and were synonomous with grandiose, ornate designs.
Who were the Bibienas?
Another of Stanislavski's innovations that has the performer feel the character's emotion by thinking of an event in his or her own life that led toa similar emotional experience.
What is emotional recall?
This is the director's job of assigning movement patterns and arranging performers onstage with respect to each other and the stage space.
What is blocking?
These are effects that come from recognizable sources casued by a specific action. Examples include footsteps, a phone ringing, doorbells, or a car pulling up.
What is motivated sound?