Actors Job
Stage Types
Stage Directions
The -ations
Actors Tools

The actor uses his voice and body to portray:

What is his character, his station in life, his personality/emotional nature, and/or his body characteristics?


What is a raised picture frame stage called?

What is a proscenium stage? 


What does the abbreviation X stand for?

What is to cross?


What is the ability to focus and shut out distractions?

What is concentration?


What are the two categories for character aspects? AKA the actor's tools are broken into what 2 categories?

What is internal and external?


When the actor speaks the lines, his voice and body must tell the audience:

What is his thoughts, feelings, and response?


What is a stage on which the action takes place in the center of a circle and the audience sits around the stage?

What is an arena? (Theatre in the round)


What does US stand for?

Up Stage


What is taking note of what your senses perceive?

What is observation?


Which actor tools are internal?

What is mind and heart?


Feeling what the character feels and thinking what the character thinks:

What is empathy?


What is a stage where the performance area “thrusts” out into the house and the audience is on three sides?

What is a thrust stage?


How would you abbreviate to cross to downstage left?

What is XDL?


What is visualizing a pretend existence?

What is imagination?


Which actor tools are external?

What is voice and body?


Putting yourself in the situation of the character, trying to understand his/her life:

What is to relate?


What is a large room painted black with lights hanging from beams on the ceiling – audience space and playing space are flexible?

What is a black box theatre?


Where is the apron on stage?

What is the front of the stage/in front of DS?


What is physical ease and mental calm?

What is relaxation?


Name the four actor's tools:

What is

  • Body

  • Voice

  • Mind

  • Heart


Name 5 responsibilities of the actor:

What is:

Come to rehearsal prepared.

Never chew gum during rehearsal or performance.

Rehearse with discipline, focus, and energy.

Keep a positive, problem solving attitude. 

Keep in character and remain professional and on task.

Learn all lines to be memorized exactly word-for-word.

Observe stage movement and blocking rules.

Speak with the character’s voice and expression.

Speak lines clearly and loudly enough to be heard by the entire audience.

Respect yourself by preparing thoroughly.

Respect your audience by giving the best performance you are capable of.

Be a supportive, encouraging audience member for everyone who performs.


What is a theater in which the audience sits on either side of the stage?

What is a traverse stage?


What part of the stage lands in the middle from top to bottom and left to right?

What is center stage?


What is the reason why a character does what (s)he does?

What is motivation?


A one character performance is known as a:

What is a monologue?