Theatre Jobs
Soft Goods
The House
Types of Theatres
This person has a great deal of control as they put up all the money to stage a production.
Who is the Producer
The solid white fabric that usually hangs at the very back of the stage. Color lighting bleeds well across it, and usually is used to represent the sky.
What is the Cycloroma
The place where audience members buy tickets.
What is the Box Office
A very flexible space where seating can be altered to suit a productions need.
What is a Black Box
Sets are constructed in this area before they are moved out onto the stage.
What is the Scene Shop
These people are responsible for only themselves. Most of their work is done on stage portraying characters.
Who are the Actors
These are usually made of black velour and hang on the sides of the stage to block the audience's view of the wings.
What are legs.
Highland's High School's upper seating level in the PAC
What is the Balcony
Seating is situated on all sides. All entrances are made through the Audience.
What is an Arena.
The area just off stage where technicians work and Actors await their entrances.
What are the Wings.
This person is responsible for overseeing that all design and technical elements of a show are executed properly.
Who is the Technical Director.
The often colorful and ornate curtain that hangs just behind the Proscenium Arch.
What is the Grand or Main Drape
The opening between seating section that patrons walk down to get to their seats.
What is an Aisle.
Seating is situated on one side of the playing space.
What is a Proscenium Theatre
A special room where meetings are held before a production.
What is the Green Room
This person works very closely with the Director. It is there responsibility to work replacement cast members into a show. They also call cues during the performance.
Who is the Stage Manager
Curtains that move across the stage, usually overlapping slightly in the middle. They are often use to keep the action going while a scene change takes place behind them.
What is a Traveler
The main level of seating. Also called the Floor.
What is the Orchestra.
The audience is seated on three sides. This theatre offers a higher level of intimacy than a Proscenium Theatre.
What is a Thrust Stage.
Actors put on their costumes and apply make up in this specially equipped rooms.
What are Dressing rooms.
This person oversees the Ushers and is responsible for all seating issues in a theatre.
Who is the House Manager
This unique soft good is opaque when light is shown directly on the front, but is see through when there is no light or light is used behind it.
What is the Scrim
The section of the PAC where odd numbered seats are located.
What is House Left.
The imaginary completion of the set in a Proscenium Theatre.
What is the Fourth Wall
The large area over a stage, hidden from the view of the audience, where scenery can be stored before it is lowered to the stage.
What is the Fly Gallery