Set Construction
Costume Construction
Random Theatre Knowledge
Stage Needs

The side rails of a flat are called this.

What is Stile


Basic stitch that sews two pieces together in a straight line

What is running stitch


A man operated instrument that highlights one to two actors at a time as they move around the stage.

What is a follow spot


Renders, sketches, and molds the environment of the production through use of set pieces and props.

Who is the Set Designer


Space in a Proscenium Theatre that hides actors before their entrances and props that have yet to be brought on.

What are the Wings


A wagon is a platform on.

What are Casters

A special machine that may use one or two needles to finish an edge of fabric by cutting the fabric and using 3 - 4 threads to keep the edge clean. 

What is a Serger


Lift the lighting instrument by it’s yoke and C Clamp. Place it on the baton and hand tighten the bolt on the C Clamp. Loop the safety cable through the yoke and up over the baton. Take a Crescent wrench and tighten bolt onto baton. Connect stage pin. This is called a light _____.

What is hang.


A power tool is defined by the Cambridge Dictionary as “a tool that operates with an electric motor,” therefore which of the following is a hand tool:

Pliers, Screw Gun, Skill Saw, Miter Saw



Profession that moves props on and off stage during a production

Who are Stage Crew


The painting technique that mixes two colors with a cross hatching motion.

What is Scumbling


Costume Designers are in charge of all of the following but: Render costumes, construct costumes, pull pieces from storage, manage costume makers, and fit actors.

What is construct costumes


This lighting instrument has gel colors programmed into it and is best used for down lighting and short distances.

What is a LED


Flats are used for.

What are walls and buildings


The curtain that opens and closes the show

What is Main Drape


In order to use less paint a painter may add this.

What is Water


Finishing the an edge by folding the fabric on itself and sewing the fold.

What is to Hem


Lighting instrument most used for down-lighting and short distance throw.

What is a Fresnel


Which drapes hide actors in the wings

What are legs

Theatre space with two distinct sections of audience 

What is Taverse


In charge of building set pieces.

Who is the Technical Director


The costume designer must check in with this person before they can construct or pull any costume pieces

Who is the director


Each light is connected to a _____. In order to bring the light up using the light board you will need to type in the number and press at then x% or find the dimmer that correlates with number and push the dimmer to the desired brightness.

What is Channel 

Holding the yoke of the lighting instrument a person can move the pool of light to the desired spot on stage where they then shutter off soften or sharpen the pool. This is called:

What is Focus

Which style of design uses lines shapes and colors to portray a emotion or mood that would describe the play overall?

What is abstract