The Roles We Play
Places on the Stage
Angel of Music
Choreo Time
Take Direction

This person plays "honestly under imaginary circumstances"

What is An Actor


This is normally where the stage manager sits and the lighting board operator.

Where is the lighting booth?


How fast or slow the music should be performed

What is Tempo?


A dance step often used in musical theater consisting of a step forward followed by a step across and then two steps back.  All steps form a sort of box shape once completed.

What is a Box Step?


The articulation and clearness of speech. Being able able to hit the consonants so that every audience member knows the words that you are saying.

What is Diction?


This person calls the shots and connects the director with the actors.

What is a Stage Manager?


The area to the side of the stage just out of the audience's view.

Where are the wings?


This is a the person who writes the libretto (plus half if you can say what the libretto is)

Who is the Librettist?

This is the term typically used in dance to say "big"

What is Grand?


Speaking from the diaphragm loud enough so that the entire theatre can you hear you.

What is projection?


This person designs the garments worn by the actors on stage.

Who is the Costume Designer?

A stage that is raised slightly upstage so that it slants downward towards the audience.

What is a raked stage?


a dynamic that means very loud. Represented by the "ff"

What is Fortissimo?


A “Whirl or spin”. A controlled turn on one leg in relevé.

What is a Piroutté?


This is a frozen image made up of actors, usually showing a specific mood, idea, or picture to stay in the audiences mind.

What is a Tableau?


This person writes the music for a show.

Who is the composer?


This is the curtain that hangs on the track upstage of the proscenium. Can be used to hide scene changes.

What is a Traveler Curtain.


A dynamic marking that means "suddenly loud" represented by the "sfz" in score.

What is sforzando?


One foot steps in front and then the body turns (without replacing or moving the feet) to face the opposite direction.

What is a Pivot Turn?


When an actor moves to fill the empty space left by another actor when they cross to a new location.

What is a counter?


This person learns multiple other tracks of title and ensemble characters.

What is an Understudy?


A structure in front of the stage that frames the action of the play

What is the Proscenium Arch?


This is the music that plays under the dialogue or during a scene change

What is an Underscore?

The natural movement of the arms while dancing.  The arms are most often in the opposite position of the feet or legs.

What is opposition?


Stage direction indicating a character is alone on the stage.

What is a Solus?