Types of Stage
Stage Positions
This stage is like a picture frame, where the audience sits on one side to watch the action through the frame.
What is a Proscenium Stage?
An idea about how a play should look and feel is known as this.
What is the Production Concept?
This is the area including the stage, where the actors perform, and the fly space above, where lights and scenery may be flown, or suspended on ropes.
What is the Stagehouse?
This is the area immediately outside of the scenery, on either side of the stage, unseen by the audience. It is also where actors typically enter and exit the stage.
What are the Wings?
On a proscenium stage, right and left refer to the actor's right and left when they are facing this direction of the stage.
What is Downstage?
This is how stage directions can be labeled on an arena stage.
What is as compass points or as clock hours?
This is what we call the auditorium, or the area where an audience sits, no matter how it is arranged.
What is The House?
This is the name of the "Picture Frame" which the audience in a Proscenium theater looks through.
What is the Proscenium Arch?
This is where all items are carried onstage by the actors are placed.
What is the Prop Table?
This is what its called when a stage is slanted upward.
What is Raked?
In this stage, the audience sits on two or three sides of the acting area, which projects into the audience area from a rear wall.
What is a Thrust Stage?
In many theaters, this is the name of the down front seats, closest to the stage.
What is the Orchestra?
This is used in between scenes and is made of light fabric and decorated to keep with the mood of the play.
What is the Act Curtain?
This is a bulletin board on which are posted rehearsal times, performance changes, and special notices.
What is a Callboard?
If an actor's back is to the audience, he is facing this stage direction.
What is Upstage?
This type of stage is also called "In-The-Round" because the audience sits all around the acting area.
What is the Arena Stage?
This is the name of a lower balcony that does not hang over a seating section.
What is a Mezzanine?
This is the front curtain of a theater and is typically made of a luxurious fabric.
What is the Grand Drape (or Main Curtain)?
This is a private door for actors and theater personnel, not accessible to the audience.
What is a Stage Door?
If an actor is standing towards the back wall of the stage, in the middle of the stage, they are considered to be in this stage position.
What is Upstage Center.
This stage is a combination of the arena and proscenium stages.
What is a Thrust Stage?
What technical booth's are located to the rear of the house, and/or, the top of the balcony?
What is The Light Booth and Sound Booth
In proscenium or thrust stages, this is what separates the stage from the backstage area.
What is the Backwall?
This is located in the wings and is where all lighting and sound cues are called from.
What is the Stage Manager's Booth?
A Proscenium stage has how many stage areas (positions) and they are called these terms.
What is 9; Up Right, Up Center, Up Left, Right, Center, Left, Down Right, Down Center, Down Left.