Parts of a Theater
Stage Directions
Acting Terms
Technical Theatre Terms
MISC Terms

The part of a stage that protrudes out toward the audience, and is often times curved.

What is the Apron?

The stage directions given when the director wants an actor to move to the right side of the stage (from the house view)

What is Stage Right?


The word used for an actor's outfit they wear on stage.

What is a costume?


The word for a flat, self supported, set piece that can be painted to look like scenery.

What is a Flat?


The phrase for when actors are brought out after the show to bow in front of the audience.

What is a Curtain Call?


The sides of the stage, in which actors can hide away and wait for their cue.

What is the Wing?

The stage direction given when a director wants an actor to move TOWARD the audience, on stage.

What is Downstage?


The word used for the items an actor brings on stage to use for their scene.

What is a prop?

The word for a demand given to technical departments to complete a particular operation (lighting, sound, set, etc.)

What is a Cue?


A phrase often said to actors before a show to wish them luck.

What is "Break a Leg?"


The area backstage where actors can rest, change costumes, and wait for their next cue.

What is the Green Room?

The stage direction given when a director wants an actor to be seen in the light.

What is "Find Your Light?"


The word for an interview like process an actor goes through to get a role in a show.

What is an Audition?


The process of using little pieces of tape to mark out where certain set pieces should be placed on stage for different scenes.

What is Spiking?


The name for when a director goes in front of the audience before the show to give a speech.

What is a "Curtain Speech?"


The place where the box office can sell tickets, concessions are sold, and the audience enters from.

What is the Front of House?

The stage direction given when the audience is entering the theater, and the actors need to hide away.

What is "House is Open" ?


The word for a person who plays the role for another actor when that actor is sick, or cannot make it to a performance.

What is an Understudy?

The phrase for a tech rehearsal that is purely for technical aspects, and happens without actors.

What is "Dry Tech?"


A word for a long bit of dialogue given by one character, either to themselves or to another character, or the audience.

What is a Monologue?


The very expensive, large piece of cloth at the back of the stage, usually used as a colored back drop for shows. 

What is the Cyclorama (Cyc)?


The stage direction given when a director wants an actor to turn out to the audience to be seen better.

What is, "Cheat Out?" or "Turn Out"


The acting method that consists of an actor understanding their character's circumstances to the best of their ability by asking who, what, when, where, why and how questions.

What is The Stanislavski Method?


The word for the light that follows an actor around on stage, and is controlled by a person.

What is a Spotlight?


A small piece of material with holes cut out of it that can be put over a light, to show texture or shapes when projected.

What is a GOBO?