F.I.B - Theme
F.I.B - Main Idea
Theme or Main Idea?
Identify the Theme
True or False?

The _____ or lesson of a story.



A _______ of the plot of a story. 



Tell which is the Theme and which is the Main Idea.

1. Every family is unique.

2. When Kristy ignores her mom's advice, she gets herself hurt.

1. Theme

2. Main Idea


Read the following passages and identify the theme. Include text evidence which helped you pick identify the theme.

Justine and Aniyah have been best friends for years. They’ve made hundreds of friendship bracelets for each other since the time they were in diapers, so they decide to start a little business where they make friendship bracelets and sell them. They were supposed to both make decisions about what kind of bracelets to make and how much to sell them for, but suddenly Justine has taken over and started making all the decisions. She won’t let Aniyah give any ideas at all. The girls are constantly fighting and Aniyah can’t stand working with Justine anymore. Since the girls can’t work together, they shut the business down. 


Give 2 character traits for Justine.

Working together is more effective than working alone. 

We are stronger together than we are alone.

Selfishness leads to unhappiness.

Be willing to listen to advice from others. 

Bonus: Bossy, unkind/cruel/mean, selfish


Main Idea is about a specific story but theme is about life in general



The _______ the author had for writing the story-- WHY the author wrote it. 



The ____ of the story-- WHAT the author wrote.



Tell which is the Theme and which is the Main Idea.

1. Jasmine sells lemonade in order to buy a pair of shoes.

2. Hard work pays off.

1. Main Idea

2. Theme


Read the following passages and identify the theme. Include text evidence which helped you pick identify the theme.

Hakim’s mother has been sick a lot recently and she can’t do all the things she normally does. Normally she cooks, cleans, walks the dog, helps his little brothers with their homework, and does many other things around the house. Now, she can only do about half of that. Hakim is really busy with a lot of extra homework and he doesn’t know how to do most of the things his mom does. But he knows his mom is feeling really bad. Because he cares about her, he learns how to do all the tasks she can’t and does them every day. The house is able to keep running smoothly and his mom is grateful.


Give 2 character traits for Hakim.

Persistence/Hard work pays off.

We are stronger together than we are apart. 

One person can make a difference. 

Everybody needs help sometimes.

Family helps you through hard times. 

Home is where you feel most loved.

Bonus: Dedicated/hard-working, Caring/Compassionate/selfless


Main Idea is what happens in a story and Theme is what we learn from what happens in the story.



The ______, central, unifying idea of a story.

If no one gets it on the first round then I will give you the first letter and we will try again starting with the team who picked this question.



Very _____ to one story.

If no one gets it on the first round then I will give you the first letter and we will try again starting with the team who picked this question.



Tell which is the Theme and which is the Main Idea.

1. A boy listens to his mom's advice and makes a new friend

2. Family helps you through tough times.

3. In everything you do, try your best.

4. Amari finds a book she likes and learns to love reading. 

1 and 4 -- Main Idea

2 and 3 -- Theme


Read the following passages and identify the theme. Include text evidence which helped you pick identify the theme.

Tiffany and Kenya were the youngest girls on the soccer team. They were smaller and slower, so they had trouble keeping up with the older girls. They also couldn’t afford a net and ball to practice playing soccer at home, so they felt like they were behind everyone else. The coach was especially rough on them and the girls started to feel like they shouldn’t be on the team. It seemed like everything was against them. But they both loved soccer so much, so they practiced as much as they could, and eventually, they were both able to score a goal and help out the team! 


Give 2 character traits for Tiffany/Kenya.

Persistence/Hard work pays off. 

Money is not the key to success.

In everything you do, try your best.

Never give up.

With hard work, you can change your life. 

Bonus: Dedicated, persistent, hard working. 


Main Idea is about the plot but Theme is about the purpose/reason of the plot. 



______ the surface of the water-- you have to dig. (Think about the iceberg!)



_____ the surface of the water-- what you actually see. (Think abut the iceberg!)



Tell which is the Theme and which is the Main Idea.

1. Nobody is perfect all the time.

2. Money can't buy true friends.

3. Mona sings a solo at school despite her nervousness.

4. Sometimes life is not fair. 

1, 2, and 4 -- Theme

3 -- Main Idea


Tell me the Main Idea AND the Theme of this story:

David peered down the steep embankment. His ball sat at the bottom of the cliff, and he knew the only way he was going to get it back was by finding a way down. If it had been any other ball, he would have left it to be swept up by the rising water, but it was the soccer ball that had been signed by David Beckham himself. There was no way he was going to leave it behind. David's heart pounded and his palms were sweaty. He began to edge his foot toward the side of the drop off but as soon as he started to go down the hill he pulled his foot back up, terrified of going any further. With a deep breath, David took a leap and tumbled down the hill! When he hit the ground, he couldn't believe he had actually made the jump! Beaming with pride, he gathered his ball and began the steep climb back up. 

Main Idea: David's signed soccer ball is at the bottom of a cliff. He musters the courage to jump down and get it himself. 


Have the courage to get out of tough situations.

Bravery can help you through tough times.


Main Idea is a summary of one part of the story and Theme is a summary of the whole story.
